John Paul II clone Cardinal George and the MOLE in VOTF
I originally got a hunch of this Opus Dei-MOLE among the letters of a VOTF Vice-President candidate and "Questions for Candidates" in VOTF election website. Drums roll... Here is the Opus Dei-MOLE in her words which have identical parallel with the Opus Dei and Benedict XVI words "for a purer Church" in his inauguration speeches. I highlight in bold - her SECRET Opus Dei words - that are unsuspecting to non-Opus Dei watchers. I will post additional points of PROOFS in the days ahead.
BREAKING NEWS: Benedict XVI-Opus Dei Titanic Ship hit by Galileo Iceberg in Rome
Is Janet Hauter - The Mole, the Opus Dei Mole in VOTF ? by these words of hers:
The OD-Mole clue #1
"We have two years to build an incredible foundation. We need individuals who know that this foundation is the foundation of a newer, healthier Church by being open and healthy ourselves. Much of the change must begin with us. We, ourselves, need to master two arts: fraternal correction where we speak and act in the common good and speak to the voices who demean and criticize..." #2 in "Fraternal correction" is an Opus Dei daily mantra and is the main relationship and way of life especially between the numeraries (celibate lay Opus Dei nuns and brothers) who act as weekly "spiritual directors" to all lay members -- the supernumeraries. These words of Janet are almost verbatim words so common in Opus Dei and Benedict XVI writings.
Note that her priorities are not the victims of priest pedophilia but the building of "a newer, healthier Church". Fr. Doyle just reminded us that the church is "delusional" and here is Janet Hauter preaching of "building a newer, healthier church" in a two years term of a national VOTF officer! How unrealistic and deluded can she be! Fr. Doyle said: "The U.S. bishops still live in their delusional world as far as clergy abuse is concerned....In State legislatures throughout the country, State Catholic Conferences and the local bishops spend millions of the faithful's dollars to defeat any legislation that would offer greater protection to child victims. They insult our collective intelligence with a variety of false claims based on erroneous information.... How ironic! The world's largest religious organization which is based on the mission of Christ and it opposes State laws that do what it not only could not do, but would not do…protect children from deranged predators and self-centered institutional enablers."
And Janet Hauter is singing of a "newer, healthier church" -- (the institution GUILTY of all that Fr. Doyle has just mentioned in his letter to VOTF ) -- exactly on what planet is she on?
The OD-Mole clue #2
See #11
Janet said: "While I personally initially favored the call for George's resignation, the vote of the affiliate through prayer changed minds and hearts and our plan was and remains sequential."
"Through prayers changed minds and hearts" is the strategy of Opus Dei to close down VOTF and SNAP as expounded in The John Paul II Millstone The Opus Dei and Pope's strategy is for all victims of priest-pedophilia to simply "PRAY, pay and obey" and the whole thing will be "forgiven and FORGOTTEN".
Get real VOTF! Wake up to the giant Fr. Richard McBrien and his cunning snaky infiltration in VOTF. Do not make him the infallible papal envoy in VOTF!
And be-aware and beware of Janet Hauter and her secret Opus Dei agenda in VOTF!
The OD-Mole clue #3
See No. 19 and 20 Questions for Candidates, VOTF elections
Janet Hauter's mild (and protective) stance on Cardinal George, an Opus Dei member and clone of John Paul II:
"Firing a Cardinal is not within our purview but we publicly discredit any actions that do not fall within an accountability framework."
Paul Kendrick said to Ms. Janet Hauter:
It is interesting to note that, on the one hand, you want us to know that you are already a seasoned “leader”; i.e. as an established VOTF leader in Chicago, yet, on the other hand, you blame the group, not yourself, for its failure to engage in an ongoing campaign to remove Cardinal George as archbishop of Chicago.
More OD-MOLE clues in days ahead......stay tuned
February 1, 2008
4 more clues on THE MOLE of VOTF
Because of the recent number 96 reply of Janet Hauter there are more clues "The Mole in VOTF" I was able to extract. First, here are Janet Hauter's replies to my "analysis" of her being The Mole of VOTF:
#93—Marie Tupper Says:
Dear Ms. Hauter,
A certain blogspot ( is accusing you of being a member of Opus Dei.
Are you a member of Opus Dei, or in any way associated with Opus Dei?
Marie, I find this bizarre/preposterous question a clone of the private correspondence exchange I had with Paul Kendrick recently. Because I believe in total transparency and have no fear of his “Johnny one note” rants, I offer them to you exactly as was discussed.
(Edited out repeat of OD-Mole clues above. Bold emphasis added))
I consulted with Mother Angelica on this and she said that moles can only be identified by people who have their heads in the dirt. She also said “It’s naughty to slander and the accuser needs to do penance!” Janet Hauter
Paul Kendrick writes: Please stop being silly. Just answer the simple question. Are you a member of, or in any way associated with Opus Dei?
Secondly, the Ignatius Group message was distributed only to you and your son, George Bouchey. I wanted to first determine what your reaction would be. However, if you do not respond to the question about whether or not you are an Opus Dei member (or in any way associated with Opus Dei ; i.e., is your spouse a member?), then I will publish the link to the blog and your refusal to answer the question.
Janet Hauter’s post:
A type of defamation. Slander is an untruthful oral (spoken) statement about a person that harms the person’s reputation. Because slander is a tort (a civil wrong), the injured person can bring a lawsuit against the person who made the false statement. If the statement is made via broadcast media — for example, over the radio or on TV — it is considered libel, rather than slander, because the statement has the potential to reach a very wide audience.
Subject: Why are you so upset about a simple question? You need to take a deep breath.
Date: 1/26/2008 3:41:56 P.M. Central Standard Time
From: IgnatiusGroup
Reply To:
To: JMWHauter
Janet Hauter’s post: The question is ludicrous. I am not now, never have been, have no relatives that are or would ever consider membership in Opus Dei. Bizarre question.
Do whatever you need to do. This conversation is closed. J
4 more CLUES why Janet Hauter is "THE MOLE in VOTF"
OD-Mole clue #4 : My question is simple and a valid one to public candidate Janet Hauter and she is already blowing full steam and irritation -- is she capable of handling the VOTF 2 years tough office of Vice-President? VOTF is one of the "last hope" of Catholics and if she cannot handle a valid querry, how tough a cookie is she?
The OD-Mole clue #5 Hauter's immediate response in the form of "libel and slander" is typical of Opus Dei who has tons of lawyer members. Opus Dei cannot carry a decent conversation without pounding legal liabilities even on honest legitimate questions. That is why they want to canonize John Paul II as soon as possible so that he and St? Josemaria Escriba will be the two "WORD OF GOD" in the 21st century. But luckily, Sapienza University in Rome just rejected Benedict XVI from speaking at their opening of school year last January .. yes, Benedict XVI is tasting his own bitter medicine of not giving the Jesuits "freedom of speech" and eventually VOTF whom he wish to shut-up!
The OD-Mole clue #6 Probably the biggest clue that Janet Hauter is the Mole in VOTF is her running to and asking Mother Angelica's advice -- this is sure sign of her Opus Dei affiliation.
I consulted with Mother Angelica on this and she said that moles can only be identified by people who have their heads in the dirt. She also said “It’s naughty to slander and the accuser needs to do penance!” Janet Hauter
So Mother Angelica says that Paris Arrow "can only identify moles because (she) has dirt in her head...that she is naughty to slander and needs to do penance!"
I've got news for you Mother Angelica, YOU are not qualified to be a member of the VOTF because you are under the payroll of Opus Dei and you are a puppet of the papacy that want to shut down VOTF. You are a typical preacher of "PRAY, pay, OBEY" and "ASK NO QUESTION". You would be a disastrous advicer to VOTF. The ONLY advice you will tell us is "Go to confesison and do penance" (like you told Janet Hauter about me).
If "Go to Confessiona and do penance" are all that the lawyers did, Cardinals Mahony et al would still be laughing at the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. Instead $3 Billion has been paid to victims. And I bet you are praying endlessly for John Paul II's canonization - like you did for St? Josemaria Escriba de Opus Dei. Right? Why don't you just gon on chanting in Opus Dei Latin and let us LAITY live our life in the outside world -- apart from your multi-million dollar monastery -- like the pompous Vatican of Benedict XVI and Opus Dei villa in Rome.
FYI Mother Angelica EWTN broadcasted the canonization of St? Josemaria Escriva LIVE in October 2002 and repeats it every year. EWTN gives the lists of BISHOPS and CARDINALS (guilty of cover-up) who celebrate Escriba's feast in June -- which I posted last June 2007
Janet Hauter running to Mother angelica for advice is the BIGGEST proof that she is THE MOLE in VOTF!
The OD-Mole clue #7 Janet denies being a member of Opus Dei. It is a rule in Opus Dei that their members "NOT tell in public" if one is an OD member so that they can carry on the clandestine agendas of Opus Dei on the group they are spying on. Remember the greatest USA spy (for the Russians) was an Opus Dei member, Hanssen.
So, Janet Hauter, if everytime you receive a simple question like mine and you RUN to Mother Angelica who is an Opus Dei affiliate -- her EWTN is supported by billionaire Opus Dei, what kind of a leader -- or footsoldier of Opus Dei are you? And what a temper for an oficer of VOTF. God forbid there are other moles like you in VOTF.
---------Video broadcast of Vice-President Candidates Feb. 4, 2008 9-10 pm
First of all, there was no audio on David's video broadcast, not even for one minute. I was following the moderator's questions. Janet had both audio and video throughout the broadcast. This is the most UNFAIR CAMPAIGN in American history...what a shame for VOTF giving all air time to only one candidate, Janet. (If this happened between the Democrat and Republican candidates, there would be an uproar demanding for justice) What a coincidence that Janet could be the Opus Dei Mole in VOTF and she got all the air time.
The OD-Mole clue #8: Janet said that "women are the main caretakers of the family" and that "it is not necessary for women to make formal statements" but simply “ make women march for causes”. This is a typical Opus Dei mentality: women are second-class citizen in the church and must keep quiet and only “march” and act once in a while for appearances sake.
The OD-Mole clue number 9 - a recluse candidate with one sole OD agenda -- Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION agenda.
It is incredible how Janet Hauter keeps saying that "Calling for Cardinal George’s resignation will achieve nothing but a small obscure place in the media." This is precisely what the Opus Dei want to prevent -- the MEDIA coverage of SNAP and VOTF demanding that Cardinal George, the President of the USCCB, must resign ...because of the clergy sex abuse scandal. That is tantamount to impeaching the President of the United States because of the Watergate scandal. Opus Dei know the strategy very well because they use it all the time -- capture the head and you have imprisoned the body -- just like they do with countries by capturing the heads of state and justices of the Supreme Courts, major media, etc....and Mother Angelica.
VOTF Questions for Candidates
Paris Says:
February 7th, 2008 at 8:22 am
Paris Arrow, author of The Mole in VOTF and Mother Angelica & VOTF in question to Janet Hauter:
1) In your #130 reply (to my question #121) you said: “I make no judgements about correspondence from other organizations. I addressed only VOTF issues which I better know than other organizations” — shows you are a recluse candidate (driven by only one hidden OD agenda) — which I would add as The-Mole-in-VOTF-clue-number-9 to my list .
Aren’t you aware that SNAP and VOTF recently TOGETHER wrote a letter to Pope Benedict XVI demanding that Cardinal Bernard Law resign before the pope’s visit to USA this coming April ? You said that “demanding Cardinal George to resign is hollow, empty and meaningless” therefore, do you likewise find this unified letter of SNAP and VOTF to the pope hollow, empty and meaningless?
jhauter Says:
February 6th, 2008 at 9:42 pm
#121: Paris Says:
Personally, to me, statements (asking for Cardinal George’s resignation or making a statement about women) is hollow, empty and meaningless. It’s action that I support but action that is based on hard data!
1) What exactly are the hard data you are waiting for — hasn’t Bishops Accountability provided enough ‘hard data’?
I can only respond locally. After a year of research using SNAP data and BA data compared and contrasted to Archdiocesan data, we found the Archdiocese reported slightly over 60% of the predator priests we uncovered. We are still doing research but we also found that some parishes (and zip codes) had multiple sequential and (in some cases) simultaneous predators assigned either to the same parish or in proximity. We will assess trends when data collection is complete.
I make no judgments about correspondence from other organizations. I addressed only VOTF issues which I know better than other organizations.
Janet Hauter, Candidate for Vice President
jhauter Says:
February 6th, 2008 at 4:59 pm
If you haven’t garnered already I am an action oriented individual. Calling for Cardinal George’s resignation will achieve nothing but a small obscure place in the media. The Cardinal will only dig his heels in further to reinforce the clerical culture. I’ve met with him, I’ve talked to him on the phone. Chicago solutions were tailored to the issues and facts presented. The story is not over. There was never any negotiation with Cardinal George and that myth has been beaten to death–it is simply a misunderstanding of what happened in our two hour meeting with him. It began with a contentious tone on his part and ended with him inviting us back.
The OD-Mole clue number 10
February 8, 2008
The son of Janet Hauter signs his name with the word "pax". Pax is the Latin Opus Dei standard greetings among members.
Paris Says:
February 8th, 2008 at 11:45 pm
Question to George Bouchey in #138 (February 8th, 2008 at 10:23 pm)
So, George Bouchey, you are the son of Janet Hauter and by your tone you are one hell of a campaigner… but did you know that you are clue #10 in The Mole in VOTF because of the way you signed your name with “pax” ? Pax is the Latin Opus Dei standard greetings among members.
Cited the word “PAX” in your post #46
george bouchey Says:
January 19th, 2008 at 8:56 pm
Welcome, Marie without a full name. Hmm, I sense underneath your sleazy slander an “old friend” who has supplied us with similar posts. Is Marie your real name?
Are you a VotF member? Or is it just an alias used for harrassing nice, honest people who aren’t afraid to identify themselves? Is there an honest question in your two post? Perhaps you would try again and be at least a little honest. Give us a reason to pay attention to you!
pax - george bouchey
Cited that you are the “son of candidate Janet Hauter” in her own #96 Janet Hauter Says: (quoting Paul within her reply)
January 27th, 2008 at 12:18 pm
Paul Kendrick writes: Please stop being silly. Just answer the simple question. Are you a member of, or in any way associated with Opus Dei?
Secondly, the Ignatius Group message was distributed only to you and your son, George Bouchey. I wanted to first determine what your reaction would be. However, if you do not respond to the question about whether or not you are an Opus Dei member (or in any way associated with Opus Dei ; i.e., is your spouse a member?), then I will publish the link to the blog and your refusal to answer the question.
Janet Hauter’s reply:
The question is ludicrous…
(Bold emphasis added)
Well, George Bouchey, perhaps you can help your mother Janet Hauter answer this very important and more relevant question and pertinent matter (than your endless bickering against Paul Kendrick and others):
#131 February 7th, 2008 at 8:22 am
Paris Arrow, author of The Mole in VOTF and Mother Angelica & VOTF in question to Janet Hauter:
1) In your #130 reply (to my question #121) you said: “I make no judgements about correspondence from other organizations. I addressed only VOTF issues which I better know than other organizations” — shows you are a recluse candidate (driven by only one hidden OD agenda) — which I would add as The-Mole-in-VOTF-clue-number-9 to my list .
Aren’t you aware that SNAP and VOTF recently TOGETHER wrote a letter to Pope Benedict XVI demanding that Cardinal Bernard Law resign before the pope’s visit to USA this coming April ? You said that “demanding Cardinal George to resign is hollow, empty and meaningless” therefore, do you likewise find this unified letter of SNAP and VOTF to the pope hollow, empty and meaningless?
There is finally a TOP 10 here!
Thank you La Sapienza University in Rome for proving me right and my weblogs right!
February 19. 2008
Questions for Candidates
Use the form below to submit a question for any and all candidates.
Paris Says:
February 18th, 2008 at 11:26 am
Hey Janet Hauter, you - your team mates candidates -footsoldiers of Opus Dei and their Opus Dei blueprint for VOTF — and your son George Bouchey owe VOTF the answer to this FUNDAMENTAL question:
Question from 12 DAYS AGO
#131 February 7th, 2008 at 8:22 am
Paris Arrow, author of The Mole in VOTF and Mother Angelica & VOTF in question to Janet Hauter:
In your #130 reply (to my question #121) you said: “I make no judgements about correspondence from other organizations. I addressed only VOTF issues which I better know than other organizations” — shows you are a recluse candidate (driven by only one hidden OD agenda) — which I would add as The-Mole-in-VOTF-clue-number-9 to my list .
Aren’t you aware that SNAP and VOTF recently TOGETHER wrote a letter to Pope Benedict XVI demanding that Cardinal Bernard Law resign before the pope’s visit to USA this coming April ? You said that “demanding Cardinal George to resign is hollow, empty and meaningless” therefore, do you likewise find this unified letter of SNAP and VOTF to the pope hollow, empty and meaningless?
Janet Hauter, is your secret agenda to make VOTF the laity’s VOOP Voice of Opus Dei? And are you - and your team mates - going to always run to Mother Angelica for advice and pray at her Blood Diamond chapel ?
How many women members of VOTF can afford to wear a one-carat diamond ring or at least a 0.25 carat on their finger…while Mother Angelica has $50 Million worth of diamonds and jewels within her monastery in Alabama? complete article in
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for enough good men and women
to do and say nothing.
Cardinal George MUST RESIGN!
VOTF Elections
Topic: Cardinal George, Chicago
I want to make it clear my opposition to my opponent, Janet Hauter’s position on Cardinal George of Chicago. She was 100 % wrong!! We can complicate the issue as much as you like with wordage. The bottom line , his actions resulted in abetting a child abuser. No matter what his intent was, that is what happen. And for that he should have been asked to resign, and Janet, and VOTF, should have lead the charge for that action .
Janet, please stop with the lectures and calls uponGod, roll up your sleves, get out on the sidewalk in front of the Chancery ,and protest at every turn your Cardinal when he takes such actions. This is how VOTF was founded. I know my Faith by my ACTIONS..
David Biersmith
Candidate for VOTF Vice-President (Watch David's video)
8 Responses to “Cardinal George, Chicago”
Robert Harrison Says:
Mr. Biersmith’s approach of taking a club to Cardinal George’s head is not the way to attack the problem. Hostile confrontation, as he proposes, accomplishes nothing. He forgets that it was a building crescendo of incidents quickly coming to light within a few months, and a swell of public disdain for Cardinal Law that caused his resignation.
That is not the case in Chicago. Cardinal George is guilty of bad judgment concerning a pedophile within the last year. But he has taken action to publish the names of bad priests and has put in place a program to address the problem in the future. Unfortunately, it is not a perfect plan, and has ignored suggestions for improving it.
He has not acted swiftly as he should have. He has equivocated and dragged his feet. Even though there is discontent with some of his actions, there isn’t a groundswell of ill will against him personally. He is not a bad bishop. His problem is that he cannot adjust—nor the hierarchy in general—to the fact that he is no longer the sole judge when it comes to pedophile priests as it was in the Middle Ages.
He IS THE CARDINAL, and has total control of the Archdioceses. To make personal attacks on him and demand his resignation gains nothing. It makes him more hostile and hurts our cause. He is largely respected and revered by Catholics in the Chicago area. Attacking him personally, as Mr. Biersmith proposes, will only alienate Catholics who are not fully aware of what is happening. To constantly appear on the sidewalk in front of the cathedral to protest—unless a specific incident warrants it—only makes VOTF and others look like a bunch of whacky malcontents to the public. When needed, it is effective; otherwise it is counter-productive.
He has a well paid team of lawyers and a prominent public relations firm doing his bidding. The Cardinal is not the problem. The problem is getting legislation passed that will hold him and all who overseer pedophiles, criminally accountable if such incidents are not immediately reported to Civil Authorities.
Though Mr. Biersmith means well, his tactics will not bear fruit as they did in Boston. The circumstances are greatly different. It is far better to have the Cardinal work WITH us instead of AGAINST us. If we cannot reach that point, hostility to him should not be an option. We need to develop a group in each parish that will support us and lead fellow parishioners into supporting legislation when it is presented in the legislature.
In summery, it would be wise if Mr. Biersmith followed the old adage when it comes to dealing with the church hierarchy: “NEVER TRY TO TEACH A PIG HOW TO SING. YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME—AND YOU ARE AGGITATING THE PIG.”
Dan Burke Says:
Robert Harrison’s views confirm that ostriches can be found not only on the plains of the Serengeti, Kalalhari, Masai Mara and Etosha game reserves but here in the U.S. as well, if only to a lesser degree even without the sand into which to bury one’s head! In the real world lawyer you get indicted for obstruction of justice. In the real world you get sacked for mismanagement….Cardinal George??
• In 1995 Sen. Bob Packwood [Oregon] resigned following mounting evidence of sexual harassment of his office staffers.
• Boeing CEO Phil Condit, resigned in 2003, as a result of the defense contracting scandal that ultimately saw two Boeing executives, ex Air Force procurement official Darleen Druyun and chief financial officer Mike Sears sent prison.
• Again in 2005 Boeing fired its CEO Harry Stonecipher for having an affair with a staffer, the Board seeking honesty and transparency to maintain crediblity with its stockholders and the investment community at large.
• Just 6 weeks ago, Merrill Lynch fired its CEO Stan Lynch for poor performance, mounting losses,
• Just 5 weeks ago Citibank fired its CEO Chuck Prince for poor performance, mounting losses.
• Just this past March 2007, less than a week after visiting the Walter Reed medical Center following allegations of deplorable conditions, newly installed Defense Secretary Robert Gates summoned Army Secretary Francis Harvey to Washington and fired him on the spot. Harvey’s statement to the press?…..I was head of the Army…what can I say…the buck stops with me…I have to take responsibility. This is the real world Robert Harrison. What Planet have you been living on? Biersmith has it right!
Frank Keating, a retired Governor of Oklahoma and former Chairman of the National Review Board, resigned over frustration arising from the refusal of the Bishops to cooperate, citing their preference to deny, hide, obfuscate, suppress names of offenders, resist subpoenas, noting that the Bishops listen too much to their lawyers and not enough to their hearts. Now goofball George heads up the USCCB…and read George’s comments below to the Catholic lay advisors meeting with him.
Former White House Chief of Staff and U.S. Rep. Leon Panetta, a California Democrat who served on the National Review Board and was one of those who met with Francis George commented on the continuing abuse allegations arising out of the Chicago Diocese stating at a news conference, “it confirmed for me what is at the heart of this pedophile priest problem, the Catholic hierarchy’s failure to understand the seriousness of the crisis”.
George’s response? According to three sources contacted by Sun Times reporters, that when the members of the National Review Board met with George, he issued a warning, “you will be the downfall of the church!” The group was dumbstruck. “The bishops and priests have failed to deal with this scandal” Panetta said he told George. “The healing process could not begin, Panetta said, unless the church acknowledged the problem”.
--(Comment on Fr. Richard McBrien edited out)
Think Francis George like Army Secretary Francis Harvey, should step up to the plate and take a little responsibility [ like resign] for the additional boys molested by Father Daniel McCormack after he and his staffers ignored the earlier warnings of the nun principal trying desperately to call it to the attention of the Diocesan office with phone calls and letters? Think Ratzinger should have fired him or demoted him? Why does the Church always protect its own instead of sending the message….business as usual? No where is the truth of the adage more evident, that an organization cannot be counted on to police itself, than in the Church.
It’s about accountability and transparency Harrison, in case you don’t get it….both of which are woefully lacking in the mission of this church….which did nothing to sack its CEOs ie: the transferring Cardinals and Bishops even though the Church knew of the emerging scandal as far back as 1985 after the submittal of the report by Canon Lawyer Thomas Doyle.
Dan Burke
Shame on the City of Angels

It is quite a coincidence that as we reveal for the first time the role of Opus Dei in the cover-up of the JPIIPPA John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for more than 26 years these giant squids suddenly appear on the shores of southern California.
God is sending the sign (through these giant predators) to confirm that we are speaking the truth and nothing but the truth about the Octopus Dei who is the ultimate cover-upper of the priest pedophilia of the 20th century and is the modern predator in the Catholic church today.
Shame on the City of Angels as NOT ONE Los Angeles theologian raised his voice to denounce Cardinal Mahony and asked for his resignation. Shame on the City of Angels as representatives of SNAP and Catholics did not protest Cardinal Mahony's hypocrisy and demand him to step down and leave town. Shame on the City of Angels that has lost its sense of decency and justice - for the children who are least of the brethren of Christ who suffered the most heinous crime of priest pedophilia in the Catholic church in the 20th century.
We in Boston did our job well for the victims of the JPIIPPA John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army and we got rid of Cardinal Bernard Law (one of the commanders of the Third Reich of the JPIIPPA). Cardinal Law was not a good American citizen and so we did not want to see him walk in our Bostonian soil. We refused to hear his liar-voice preaching everyday in our diocese and churches . It was not a surprise that John Paul II took him to Rome to join his other cohorts-in-crime, JPII clones Benedict XVI and Opus Dei eunuchs, Masters of Deceit at the Vatican (prime Opus Dei real estate)where they continue to rule amidst pompous ceremonies like the Tsars using their OD cunning tentacles.
Shame on the City of Angels so immune to sex that it clasps the 508 pedophile priests and kowtow to Cardinal Mahony, Master of Cunning and Deceit. The City of Angels breaths easy amidst LA landscape stenched with sex. Perhaps this is not a surprise as Hollywood reels with sex films; and the Catholic church seething with the JPIIPPA John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army blends well into the sex scene.
Video of giant squids off California coast