Vatican asks victims to see church as ally in fighting abuse is as preposterous if the Legion asked Fr. Maciel’s victims to see Legionaries as allies
And oh, by the way, you are not allowed to demonstrate within Vatican grounds at St. Peter’s Square. Those Italian Police will ward you off our holy ground. See how we fool you? The Vatican is sustained by Catholics but you are “not Catholics enough” because you are sex-abused survivors of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. You are here to send a message to the world that will humiliate the Vatican and the Benedict XVI. But you know what, you won’t have your pictures taken here. We control the media especially John L. Allen Jr of NCR and his column All Things Catholic. Our Vatican Mammon can buy the soul of all journalists like John Allen and anyone (maybe except yours at SNAP).
Now get this clear: we respect only “pure Catholics” who are not as sexual as you were as little boys and girls. We only admire those Opus Dei numeraries who are virgins, never had sex to qualify to be numeraries (equivalent to nuns and brothers). You are not “pure” Catholics because you have been sexually molested by “holy priests” who remain holy by virtue of their powers to instantly reincarnate Christ’s flesh in 9-seconds in the Eucharist. You are only leftover-scum-Catholics of priestly beastly ejaculations from pedophile priests like Fr. Marcial Maciel and his sodomy lust. Your bodies are defiled ‘Temples of the Holy Spirit’ and the Pope and Opus Dei numeraries who run the Vatican and the Holy See do not want anything to do with you or near you.
Can’t you see? Only “pray-pay-obey-Catholics” are allowed within this “holy ground” of St. Peter’s Square which has been the seat of tortures and murders of women and heretics but no one can even believe or imagine that happened centuries ago. The pompous papal shows of Angelus each week and papal events held here simply blind all Catholics and the world over and over again. We are going to fool you and the whole world just like we have done for centuries.
Fr. Federico Lombardi is one of the most hypocritical Jesuits on earth.
One of the victims of Jesuit pedophile in California finally beat him up as he has planned for years (see news below). The Jesuits have their own notorious pedophiles. The Opus Dei should be rejoicing over this but they can’t really because no one is as smart as the Jesuits to defend the pope as they have proven for centuries. The Opus Dei need the Jesuits to fend for them in their complicit cover-up of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for over 26+ years. Opus Dei is hiding under Jesuit’s skirt right now. So they send the Opus Dei puppet Fr. Federico Lombardi to deal with all the crap of the priest pedophilia mess they and John Paul II left behind. See Jesuits are bad examples as Pope Loyalists; Fr. Federico Lombardi is puppet Public Secretary
As it was started and exemplified by the Jesuits’ founder, St. Ignatius Loyola, he covers-up, condone, and aid and abet papal crimes as the Jesuits have done centuries after centauries. St. Ignatius wrote in his constitutions that Jesuits must not be allowed to take on hierarchical positions such as Cardinals and Bishops but rather be “companions of the poor Christ”. But the Jesuits were too smart so the popes used and abused them to further the powers of the papacy all over the world. No one has noticed that it was the Jesuit Cardinal Bellarmine who issued the papal letter that condemned Galileo. But the Sapienza University students were smart to have protested Benedict XVI’s intended speech at their convocation in 2006. They did not protest against the Jesuits but rather to Benedict XVI, see our archives Benedict XVI rejected by Rome's Sapienza University students and professors
The Jesuits had their fair share of persecution from the popes and the Vatican during the one century Jesuit Suppression as popes sent to all of them to die in the high seas and ordered all countries to refuse them entry and haven. It was the non-Catholic Catherine the Great of Russia who was not a Catholic who took in some of the Jesuits and asked them to be teachers in her courts. Were it not for this atheist woman, the Jesuits would have been annihilated completely. St. Josemaria Escriva and the Opus Dei have the obsession to annihilate the Jesuits, but now they have to think twice about Escriva’s agenda as the Jesuits are taking in all the heat for the Opus Dei’s complicit cover up of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for over 26 years of the papacy they controlled. See the Opus Dei’s reasons why they covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for 26+ years--Reasons why Opus Dei covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for decades: Words of Opus Dei Joaquin Navarro-Valls
St. Ignatius Loyola wanted to outdo all other religious congregations (who have three vows) by having an “extra” vow of obedience to the Pope. He told the Jesuits to accept unconditionally whatever the Pope says. If the Pope says this is white even if the Jesuit see it black, the Jesuits must accept whatever the Pope says. St. Ignatius went with his first companions to the Pope at that time even if he knew the Pope had illegitimate children and mistresses (long story) and they made their three vows including celibacy while the Pope himself, an many popes thereafter were not celibates!!
So now the director of the Vatican Radio Fr. Federico Lombardi, a Jesuit is defending Benedict XVI no matter how evil and heinous the crimes he has committed.
We have exposed that “Benedict XVI and the Vatican are the worst pathological liars on earth. Benedict XVI is the mythomaniac of the 21st century!!! See The Vatican expenses alone rival that of Buckingham Palace by the millions and it is the Catholics from around the world who sustain it. Hundreds of thousands of Catholics go to St. Peter’s Square for Angelus and tour every week.
But why was a small of group of Catholic survivors of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army not allowed to demonstrate within the St. Peter’s Square? These are Catholics too. St. Peter’s Square should belong to all Catholics – especially the weakest children within the Catholic Church. These survivors are the weakest and poorest Catholics who have suffered the most heinous crimes against children in the history of Catholicism. They simply wanted to demonstrate – peacefully – within St. Peter’s Square. But why were they denied to stand at St. Peter’s Square which should belong to ALL Catholics? Why were they not allowed to have their voices heard? The answer is simple. The Vatican is a pathological liar who “never fesses up to their own lies. They believe they are a legend in their own minds”, a legend that the Vatican and its St. Peter’s Square is a Holy Place. Therefore this small group of survivors of priest pedophilia would mar this “sacred place”. But as history has proven it, the “sacred place” Vatican and St. Peter’s Square have been the seat and venues of lies, crimes, deceit, theft, murders and tortures of women and heretics, of crimes after crimes against humanity for centuries!
So who are the Catholics only allowed with St. Peter’s Square? Wealthy Catholics who can afford to pay to have their photos taken with the pope; Catholics who can afford to fly and tour the Vatican museums – a corrupt museum that hoarded stolen artifacts from countries that Catholic (evil) colonizers stole and pillaged from poor colonized countries especially in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
John L. Allen Jr is the worst pathological liar journalist on earth
John L. Allen Jr. is the highest paid journalist on the planet; he is an exemplary pathological liar and the Pied Piper of the Vatican using his weekly pulpit in his NCR columns. Notice how he defends the Vatican in his most recent article: ‘Vatican asks victims to see church as ally in fighting abuse”. Now how sick and wacko is that title and statement? The Vatican has been the main guilty perpetrator of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for over a quarter of a century and now they claim that they are suddenly “allies of victims”?? How can the Vatican who harboured serial pedophile priests suddenly be the allies of their own victims? (That’s like telling the Jews that the Nazis are now their allies!) John L. Allen Jr is the wacko Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the field of journalism. He is the highest paid Pied Piper who will continue to mislead the English speaking Catholics and other journalists to the cave of deception and Hell. John Allen is a perfect pathological liar: “The pathological liar IS aware that they are lying BUT will go to extremes to make you believe that they are truthful.”
Imagine what exclusive access John L. Allen Jr has with the Vatican - from his million dollars abode in New York. The Vatican tells him - exclusively - by phone what to write about in his All things Catholic NCR --- and other journalists in the world must depend solely and be at the mercy of John Allen Jr. regarding Vatican daily and weekly agenda.
John L. Allen Jr column used to be called “The Word from Rome” until he moved to New York because American Catholics pay him thousands of dollars for speeches. But most of all, the Vatican needs him to be in the USA to control and deceive the American Catholics and the world who follow the American media and CNN. And now he will give a six-hour seminar at the Villa Maria Community Center in Villa Maria, Lawrence County about “the future of the Catholic Church”? A future of more pathological lies and deceptions and mythomania about the Popes and the Vatican!!!
John L. Allen Jr GO to HELL and join John Paul II and his Pedophile Priests Army there!
Vatican asks victims to see church as ally in fighting abuse
National Catholic Reporter (United States)by John L Allen Jr on Oct. 31, 2010 NCR Today
After roughly sixty victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy in various nations held a vigil Sunday near St. Peter’s Square, a delegation of the victims met with Jesuit Fr. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesperson. Lombardi gave the victims a letter pledging to work towards “solidarity and consensus between us.”
“Of course, we must continue to do more. And your cry today is an encouragement to do more,” Lombardi wrote.
“But a large part of the church is already on the good path. The major part of the crimes belong to times bygone. Today’s reality and that of tomorrow are more beckoning. Let us help one another to journey together in the right direction.”
Respected expert to talk on Catholic church future
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Monday, November 01, 2010
By Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
John Allen, a renowned reporter on Vatican affairs for both the National Catholic Reporter and CNN, will speak in the Pittsburgh region Wednesday, and again on Nov. 11.
He will speak Wednesday night in McCandless, and on Nov. 11 he will give a six-hour seminar at the Villa Maria Community Center in Villa Maria, Lawrence County. Both draw from his book, "The Future Church: How Ten Trends are Revolutionizing the Catholic Church." ...
Americans' concerns are important, "but if we are going to be part of the global family, we need to think bigger about what the challenges facing us are," he said.
One example of a disconnect is a call from the advocates for victims of sexual abuse for Pope Benedict XVI to expand the reporting requirement in the United States to the entire world. Reporting sex crimes to the police is the right policy in the U.S., where the police are generally honest and the rights of Catholics are respected, Mr. Allen said. But it could be disastrous in nations where the police are complicit in persecution of the Catholic Church. An abuse report could bring violent attacks on the entire Catholic community.
"You can understand why Catholics in such places aren't eager to cooperate with the police. A mandate to do so would seem to them like a death sentence," Mr. Allen said.
Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America
Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity
Vatican seeks to be `ally' with victims on abuse
The Christian Century
Nov 01, 2010 by Francis X. Rocca
VATICAN CITY (RNS) The Vatican's top spokesman appealed to victims of pedophile priests who demonstrated near the Vatican on Sunday (Oct. 31) to regard the Catholic Church as an "ally" in the struggle against the sexual abuse of children.
Following a private meeting with the spokesman, however, protest leaders expressed only frustration and disappointment.
Scores of sex abuse victims from as many as a dozen countries gathered in Rome on Sunday evening to protest the Roman Catholic Church's record on child protection and outreach to victims of pedophile priests.
Victims of clerical sex abuse end protest with symbolic Vatican march
The Irish Times
THE FIRST multinational protest by clerical sex abuse victims in the Vatican ended with a symbolic candlelit march last night.
Carrying large candles, two survivors, Gary Bergeron and Paula Leerschool, walked the entire length of the Via Della Conciliazione, into St Peter’s Square and right up to the bronze door entrance to the Apostolic Palace.
“Part of what survivors asked was that we deliver letters from them, from all around the world, to the pope and that was our attempt to do that,” said Mr Bergeron.
“They wouldn’t let us go up to the bronze door but . . . somebody in security asked us for our passports.
Clergy Abuse Victims Rally At Vatican
by Sylvia Poggioli
November 1, 2010 In the first such gathering at the heart of the Catholic Church, victims of clerical sex abuse from across the world gathered Sunday night outside the Vatican to demand justice. But police blocked them from bringing their protest under the windows of Pope Benedict XVI.
Close to 100 sex abuse victims carrying torches were outnumbered by paramilitary police who cordoned off the main avenue leading to the Vatican. Only two protesters were allowed to approach Vatican soil and deposit sealed letters addressed to the pope from abuse victims.
At a rally staged just 500 yards from the Vatican, Gary Bergeron — co-founder of the group Survivors Voice — addressed the crowd.
Vatican Protest Of Sexual Abuse Stopped By Italian Police
The Huffington Post
[with video and photos]
Italian police blocked victims of Catholic priest sexual abuse from protesting near the Vatican on Sunday, the AP is reporting. The demonstration was originally planned for inside the Vatican, but the victims were denied permission from the Holy See. The protesters left letters to the Pope at the edge of St. Peter's Square after being stopped by Italian paramilitary police, according to CNN.
This is the first protest by victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests to be held so close to the Vatican. The Telegraph is reporting that Vatican spokesperson Father Federico Lombardi met the crowd this morning, only to retreat when protesters yelled "Shame on you!" at the priest. Bernie McDaid, a victim of abuse and the co-founder of the group Survivor's Voice, told that paper:
Somewhere tonight in Africa a missionary is having his way with a child, taking his body for pleasure and robbing his soul, and nothing will be done to stop the perpetrator.
Only Gary Bergeron, McDaid's co-founder, and one other protester were allowed to leave letters at the Pope's doorstep. The crowd included about 50 people from the infamous school for the deaf in Verona, where dozens of boys were allegedly molested.
Cops block Vatican march
Boston Herald
By Natalie Sherman
Monday, November 1, 2010
Two Massachusetts survivors of clergy sex abuse led fellow victims in a march toward the heart of the Vatican yesterday but were blocked from reaching St. Peter’s Square by Italian paramilitary police
Two people of the throng of about 100 protesters— which included 55 Italians from a notorious Catholic institute for the deaf in Verona, where dozens of students say they were abused by priests — were later permitted to leave letters and a dozen stones near the obelisk in St. Peter’s Square to mark a symbolic path so other survivors might know they have company in their suffering.
“This is the first time that a group of survivors this large has come together, and people have listened in Italy. In Italy! That’s success to me,” organizer Gary Bergeron, a former Lowell resident, told The Associated Press after the march.
Victims protest Vatican's handling of sexual abuse
The Mercury (South Africa)
November 01, 2010
VATICAN CITY: People from across the world who have been abused by priests gathered outside the Vatican yesterday to condemn the Catholic Church's handling of the scandal, its worst crisis in years.
Several hundred protesters - victims of abuse and their families - demonstrated at the home of the powerful church before leading a candle-lit vigil leaving personal messages for the Vatican.
"This isn't an attack on faith or religion, it's about behaviour and ethics," said Marco Lodo Rizzini, a spokesman for child victims of abuse from Italy's Antonio Provolo institute for the deaf.
British woman tells of priest rape ordeal
Independent (United Kingdom)
A British woman spoke out about her rape ordeal at the hands of a priest, during a protest by clergy sex abuse victims near the Vatican.
Sue Cox, 63, from Warwickshire, was among around 100 survivors from a dozen countries, including Italy, the US, Ireland, the Netherlands and Australia, at yesterday's candlelit protest.
Italian paramilitary police blocked a boulevard leading to the Vatican to prevent marchers reaching St Peter's Square, but later allowed two protesters to leave letters from victims at the Holy See's doorstep.
US victims want new priest probe
Sunday Mercury
Oct 31 2010 by Adam Aspinall
VICTIMS of paedophile priests in the USA are demanding an investigation into James Robinson’s time in California.
Former Catholic priest Robinson, who was known as Father Jim, was found guilty last week on 21 counts of abusing children he met while working in churches throughout the West Midlands between 1959 and 1983.
But the disgraced clergyman escaped to the USA in the mid-1980s and served as a priest until 1993, when the Archdiocese of Los Angeles finally learned about his sordid past. The Sunday Mercury first revealed Father Robinson’s depraved crimes in the late 1990s and campaigned tirelessly for him to be extradited, which he finally was last year.
Boston victims lead 'Reformation Day' in Rome
[with video]
(NECN: Steve Aveson) - Clerical sex abuse survivors from at least 12 countries were in Rome today to mark "Reformation Day."
They hope to focus the world's attention on sexual abuse in the church. The event is led by abuse victims from Boston.
The child sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church made international headlines when victims came forward in Boston ten years ago. It turns out it was not just a small problem restricted to New England, and those international headlines became painfully local in countries around the world.
In many cases the church has apologized for the horror and made promises of change for the future. Today, victims pressed the Vatican to keep those promises.
Victims of clerical sex abuse end protest with symbolic Vatican march
The Irish Times
THE FIRST multinational protest by clerical sex abuse victims in the Vatican ended with a symbolic candlelit march last night.
Carrying large candles, two survivors, Gary Bergeron and Paula Leerschool, walked the entire length of the Via Della Conciliazione, into St Peter’s Square and right up to the bronze door entrance to the Apostolic Palace.
“Part of what survivors asked was that we deliver letters from them, from all around the world, to the pope and that was our attempt to do that,” said Mr Bergeron.
“They wouldn’t let us go up to the bronze door but . . . somebody in security asked us for our passports.
Demonstrators Call on Vatican to Do More to End Child Sexual Abuse by Priests
Voice of America
[with video]
Sabina Castelfranco
Victims of child sexual abuse demonstrated near the Vatican on Sunday. They called on the Roman Catholic Church to punish those responsible for covering-up child sex abuse in the Church and to do more to protect children.
Hundreds of survivors of child sex abuse gathered near the Vatican. They were told they would not be allowed to take their message to Saint Peter's Square that child sex abuse will no longer be tolerated. Security was tight.
Survivors carried banners reading "Hands Off Children," "Shame" and "Justice." Wearing T-shirts with the word "Enough" emblazoned on them, demonstrators turned out from a dozen countries and lit candles as they spoke of their experiences.
Cleric sexual abuse victims gather at Vatican
From CNN's Hada Messia in Rome:
Alleged victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy held a candlelight vigil of solidary at the Vatican on Sunday but were not allowed to deliver letters to a bronze door outside the pope's residence.
Several dozen marchers from the United States, Asia and Europe gathered to share their stories and say more needs to be done about the long-standing problem. The Vatican said it routinely disallows such protests in the square but did allow the group to congregate on a portion of the grounds.
Priest Abuse Victims Protest at Vatican
Rome - Members of a group which supports sexually abused children by priests met with Vatican officials today.
Part of the group entered the Vatican on Sunday evening.
They originally wanted to stage a candlelight march there but were denied a permit.
Instead, they left some stones with members' names written on them on the grounds of St Peter's Square.
Police Block Sex-Abuse Victims at Vatican
Wall Street Journal
ROME—Hundreds of protesters and dozens of people claiming to have been victims of sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests converged on the Vatican's doorstep Sunday, calling on Pope Benedict XVI to take tougher measures to prevent future abuse.
The group gathered for a candlelight vigil at dusk outside the walls of Vatican City, and then tried to march toward St. Peter's Square , inside Vatican territory. Shouting "Enough" and "Hands off children," the protesters, from the U.S., Australia, the Netherlands, Italy and other countries, carried letters and stones from their native lands that they planned to deliver to the pontiff.
However, police blocked the group from entering a boulevard that leads to Vatican City, a sovereign state, though two protesters were allowed beyond the police cordon to deliver the letters and the stones to the Vatican.
Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi drew shouts of "Shame! Shame!" when he approached the group, according to the Associated Press. He was expected to meet with some of the protesters in his office later in the evening, the AP reported. Attempts to reach Father Lombardi were unsuccessful.
Police block sex abuse survivors near Vatican
The Associated Press
ROME (AP) — Italian paramilitary police blocked a boulevard leading to the Vatican to prevent a march Sunday by some 100 survivors of clergy sex abuse from reaching St. Peter's Square, but later allowed two protesters to leave letters from the abused at the Holy See's doorstep.
The two also left a dozen stones near the obelisk in St. Peter's square to mark a symbolic path so other survivors might know they have company in their suffering.
The candlelit protest was the first significant demonstration in the shadow of the Vatican by people who had been raped and molested by priests as children, and organizers said it would be repeated until the Holy See takes decisive action to ensure children are safe.
Priest abuse victims protest at Vatican
By Ella Ide (AFP)
VATICAN CITY — Victims of sex abuse by priests across the world took their calls for justice to Pope Benedict XVI's door on Sunday, yelling "Shame!" at a Vatican official in an angry protest.
Around 60 protesters -- victims of abuse and their families -- gathered near St. Peter's Basilica with banners and torches and shouted "Shame on you!" at Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican's spokesman, when he appeared.
Victims from Australia, Belgium, The Netherlands and the United States held up banners saying "The Pope protects paedophile priests," "Church without abuse" and "Pope on trial."
Victims of priest sex abuse protest near Vatican
Oct 31, 2010
By Philip Pullella
ROME (Reuters) - Victims of child sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests demonstrated near the Vatican on Sunday night, holding up placards demanding that the church punish those responsible for cover ups and do more to protect children.
Some 75 victims and their supporters from the United States and several European countries had wanted to march to the Vatican with candles but were blocked by police because they did not have a permit.
"This is about responsibility," Gary Bergeron, one of the organisers of a group called Survivors Voice told the rally at Castel Sant' Angelo in the heart of Rome within sight of Saint Peter's Basilica some 500 metres away.
Child abuse victims bring protest to Vatican
Inquirer (Philippines)
By Ella Ide
Agence France-Presse
VATICAN CITY—Clerical sex abuse victims from across the world on Sunday took their calls for justice from Pope Benedict XVI to the doors of the Vatican itself.
Close to a hundred protesters – victims of abuse and their families – gathered in Rome before leading a candle-lit vigil to the edge of St Peter's Square on which they will leave personal messages for the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
The US group behind the event, Survivor's Voice, said the victims had not been given permission to enter the square as a group, but would attempt to go in small numbers to leave letters and stones to mark their visit.
Priest abuse source of 'endless years of pain'
The Cairns Post
Gavin King
Monday, November 1, 2010
THE man at the centre of a lawsuit against the Catholic Church yesterday vowed to follow his legal claim "all the way through" in a bid to end decades of pain he suffered after repeated abuse by a Far Northern priest.
The Cairns man, now 38, yesterday told The Cairns Post he suffered severe depression before seeking professional counselling to come to terms with the abuse he suffered at the hands of Father Joseph Sultana.
"This matter has been pushed aside for so long, I’ve held it back for 30 something years," he said.
Victims of sexual abuse by priests stage protest march at Vatican
The Guardian (United Kingdom)
Citizens of 12 countries who suffered sexual abuse by Catholic priests today gathered in Rome for a protest march on the Vatican.
Wearing t-shirts reading: "Enough!" in English, Italian and German, the organisers of the candlelit march demanded that the UN recognise the systematic sexual abuse of children as a crime against humanity.
At a briefing beforehand, victims of abuse stood up to describe how their lives had been destroyed by the abuse they suffered as children, with many recounting years of drug and alcohol addiction, eating disorders and psychological and emotional problems.
"For 50 years I thought I was the only person in the entire world that had been abused by a Catholic priest," Sue Cox, a 63-year-old from Warwickshire, said.
Police Block Sex Abuse Survivors Near Vatican
by The Associated Press
ROME October 31, 2010
Italian paramilitary police blocked a boulevard leading to the Vatican to prevent a march in Rome on Sunday by survivors of clergy sex abuse from reaching St. Peter's Square.
When Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi came to speak with organizers Sunday evening, a protester shouted "Shame, shame" in Italian, and Lombardi left, escorted by police.
He later told The AP by telephone that if organizers want to see him he would "gladly" receive them inside his office. Shortly after that, one of the organizers, Gary Bergeron, did meet briefly with Lombardi and the two agreed to meet Sunday night after the end of the protest.
Abuse victims bring protest to Vatican
Bangkok Post
Published: 31/10/2010
Clerical sex abuse victims from across the world on Sunday took their calls for justice from Pope Benedict XVI to the doors of the Vatican itself.
Close to a hundred protesters _ victims of abuse and their families _ gathered in Rome before leading a candle-lit vigil to the edge of St Peter's Square on which they will leave personal messages for the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
The US group behind the event, Survivor's Voice, said the victims had not been given permission to enter the square as a group, but would attempt to go in small numbers to leave letters and stones to mark their visit.
Catholic League
Last April, the National Catholic Reporter ran a story on the so-called "Victims' Summit," a gathering of alleged victims of priestly sexual abuse scheduled to take place in St. Peter's Square on October 31. At that time, Bernie McDaid, one of the organizers, predicted they would amass 50,000 people in a massive show of anger against the Catholic Church.
Yesterday, the dissident Catholic newspaper reported that a grand total of 60 protesters showed up near St. Peter's Square. Looks like this issue has run its course.
Jesuit Priest Beaten to Avenge Alleged 1975 Sex Abuse, Say Calif. Cops
CBS News
SAN JOSE, Calif. (CBS/AP) A California man who allegedly attacked a former Jesuit priest to avenge decades of suffering due to being sexually abused was arrested Friday.
William Lynch, 43, is accused of luring Rev. Jerold Lindner to the lobby of a Jesuit retirement home May 10, and beating him in front of shocked witnesses, authorities said.
Lynch, who for years harbored a fantasy of confronting the priest, who also allegedly molested his little brother, was booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon for the attack that sent the 65-year-old clergyman to the hospital with bruises and lacerations.
John Paul II is the Pope of Injustice of the 20th & 21st Century and Fr. Marcial Maciel should be excommunicated posthumously
John Paul II Millstone
Paris Arrow
Here’s “The Never Ending Moral Story of John Paul II the Great and Fr. Marcial Maciel”. Fr. Maciel the founder of the (Vatican 30 billion dollars worth) Legionaries of Christ (and Zenit.Org) was a serial pedophile (including with one of his own biological son). Fr. Maciel therefore should be excommunicated posthumously because he broke his priestly vows of celibacy many times over and was a serial pedophile criminal for many years -- he is worse than a (good law abiding) woman attempting to be a Catholic priest who would be excommunicated instantly.
John Paul II endorsed and glorified the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel. As Pope and as priest John Paul II abused his powers in the Sacrament of Penance and forgave-and-forget all the crimes of Fr. Maciel. John Paul II did absolutely nothing to help the victims of Fr. Maciel and he knew all about them. John Paul II must never be canonized a saint because as the Head of the Holy See he safeguarded the Phenomenon of Priest Pedophilia especially Fr. Maciel’s serial pedophilia for over a quarter of a century. And what a twist of fate, his first miracle with the French nun is not miracle after all, she has fallen ill again.
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