John Paul II Millstone

St. Michael the Archangel tied an 8ftX3ft millstone to the neck of John Paul II in North America at the July 2002 WYD World Youth Day - because JP2 refused to stop his papal army,JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophiles Priests Army. 9/11 WTC attacks 3,000 victims-by 19 Muslims-led by Osama bin Laden, USA Pedophile Priests 15,736 victims victims-by 6,000 rapists-priests- led by John Paul II...JP2 Army was JP2’s Achilles Heel so St. Michael threw him into the depths of Hell- see Paris Arrow's vision

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Danish cartoonist (of Mohammed) drew John Paul II holding up robes of altar boys to expose their BUTTS to SATIATE his bestial PAPAL JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army who sodomized hundreds of thousands of little boys - with inscription - I am against homosexuality but for pedophilia. Read the vision of Paris Arrow on how Saint Michael the Archangel tied the giant millstone on John Paul II's neck at his last WYD in 2002 -- in the John Paul II Millstone post August 1, 2006. John Paul II's neck broke and Saint Michael threw him into a raging sea of fire... The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for (enough) good men - and good women - to do (and say) nothing. Youths of today, do not be deceived by the pathological lies of the Pope and the Vatican. The Vatican own the Swiss Banks where all moneys from corrupt regimes are hidden and poor peoples and poor countries are therefore perpetually oppressed....ABOLISH ALL VATICAN CONCORDATS THAT USURP BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FROM COUNTRIES that are already BURIED IN DEBTS!!! EXTERMINATE VATICAN MAMMON BEAST -- read our NEW BLOG: POPE FRANCIS the CON-Christ. Pretender &Impostor of Jesus

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

September 11 = 5,000 victims. Belgian Catholic Church = 5,000 victims. John Paul II the Great Pedophile Priests Army keeps marching on in Europe !!

In the United States, the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army are more than double that of the victims of September 11 - as a newspaper of Belgium reported (see news below). In Belgium, the victims are the same as the victims of September 11. And the Belgian Police waited patiently for the Catholic Church’s commission since 1990 to do its job of investigating pedophile priests and their victims through the Church’s due process of “Canon Law”. Canon Law did nothing for victims in the USA and Ireland.

During the Belgian Catholic Church’s investigation period, not one Belgian pedophile priest was convicted or jailed. Not one Belgian child was protected or taken away from harm’s way of the prowling John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Belgium. How long did the Catholic Church really expect the Belgian Police to keep waiting? As long as they have done in the USA and Ireland?

Well, the patience of the secular Belgian government and the secular Belgian Police run out. They waited and listened to Benedict XVI papal howls condemning “secularism” because it is godless, it has no theology or the Christ-flesh-eating Eucharist and that “There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church”. They heard Benedict XVI asked for God's forgiveness, but the Belgian Police are not in the business of "forgiveness" but in the search and implementation of true "justice".

The Belgian government and the Belgian Police have seen the patience of the American people who went to long-suffering legal means to get some 2.2 billions dollars compensation for victims and are still today trying to sue Benedict XVI and the Vatican for some of the victims of pedophile priests. They have seen how Obama have sold his soul to defend Benedict XVI’s diplomatic immunity. They have seen how Ireland discovered the systemic cover-up of the Catholic Church hierarchy for decades and how hundreds of thousands of children were victimized by thousands of pedophile priests.

The Vatican Trinity of John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Opus Dei should be very proud of their global powers. They control the Vatican trillion dollars Bank, the papacy, all Catholic Cardinals and Bishops and their appointments (now with new Opus Dei member Marc Ouellet), the 1.1 billion Catholics worldwide and all Catholic businesses and enterprises. They have exclusive sorcery powers to instantly re-incarnate Christ’s flesh and blood in the 9-seconds “transubstantiation” formula in the Eucharist or Mass versus the 9-months pregnancy of Mary, Mother of Christ. For 26+ years they condoned and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army because their victims were a mere “small statistics”, see The Reasons why Opus Dei covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Compare these Catholic sinners and secular criminals

Sinners & criminals - Victims - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity

Belgian priest pedophilia - 5,000 victims - Responsible leaders: Vatican Trinity

The Belgian Police saw that Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei with their Catholic Canon Law have failed children across America, Europe and the globe.. They have seen this Vatican Trinity do nothing to protect and defend vulnerable children from monstrous pedophile priests for the last quarter of the 20th century.

Enough is enough. Children are – must always be - our first priority and their safety from the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. John Paul II the Great rules from his grave through his countless theology books, papal encyclicals, thousands of speeches, thousands of photos of his travels around the world. Alas, history has sadly proven that theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel and innumerable pedophile priests thrive.

To Hell with John Paul II. To Hell with Benedict XVI. To Hell with Opus Dei. To Hell with the Vatican Trinity.

It is time for the Vatican and the Popes theocracy to end in this dawn of the 21st century, in this decade, in our generation. Hoorah Belgian Police for taking the first step to end this monopoly of the Vatican Trinity theocracy.

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"Meer dan 5.000 slachtoffers van misbruik door geestelijken in België"

Meer dan 5.000 mensen zijn in ons land seksueel misbruikt door geestelijken, zegt professor Karlijn Demasure in Knack. Demasure zetelde in de intussen opgestapte commissie-Adriaenssens, de commissie onder leiding van psychiater Peter Adriaenssens die de klachten tegen geestelijken bundelde.

Bij Operatie Kelk namen de speurders vorige week de 475 dossiers van de commissie-Adriaenssens in beslag. Volgens Demasure, die veel over kindermisbruik gepubliceerd heeft, gaat het om een groot, structureel probleem. "Zonder de inval hadden we nu al 500 zaken. Ik heb met daders gesproken, en sommigen noemden zelf spontaan nog tien slachtoffers. Als we die vermenigvuldiging maken, komen we al aan 5.000. Ik ben er zelf van overtuigd dat er zeker méér dan 5.000 slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik door geestelijken in België zijn", aldus nog Demasure in Knack.

Volgens haar was het probleem al vanaf 1990 voldoende bekend.

Professor Karlijn Demasure told Knack that more than 5,000 people in Belgium have been abused by priests.

Leden van de Vlaamse Werkgroep Mensenrechten in de Kerk demonstreerden gisteren aan de Sint-Michiels en Sint-Goedelekathedraal in Brussel. Priester Rik Devillé hield deze map vast.


Belgian Raiders Went to National Archives

The New York Times
Published: June 30, 2010

BRUSSELS — Police officers who raided the Roman Catholic Church here last week in an inquiry into sexual abuse also took documents from the National Archives, that body disclosed Wednesday.

“As far as we know, it is the first time in the history of the Belgian National Archives that records that are kept here are seized by the judicial authorities,” the archives said in a statement.

During the raids last Thursday, a group of bishops was held for more than nine hours and the tomb of a cardinal was disturbed in a hunt for documents. That prompted condemnation from Pope Benedict XVI, who described the police action as “surprising and deplorable.” ...

Ms. Halsberghe, a retired magistrate, said she placed her documents with the National Archives in 2009 after receiving an anonymous phone call warning her to be careful about their safekeeping.

The commission was established with the support of the church in 2000 with the intention of aiding victims of sexual abuse by priests. In all, Ms. Halsberghe and her colleagues investigated 33 cases and sought financial compensation for victims, about half of whom won some financial settlement.

But she quit her position in 2008 because she said she was not getting sufficient cooperation from the church.

The seizure of the documents is highly sensitive because many of those who came forward did so having taken a conscious decision to seek redress through the commission rather than going to the police.

In recent weeks, the issue of child sex abuse within the Roman Catholic Church in Belgium has risen to the top of the agenda because of the resignation in April of Roger Vangheluwe, the popular and long-serving bishop of Bruges, who admitted that he had molested a boy while still a priest.

With the publicity surrounding the resignation of Bishop Vangheluwe, Mr. Adriaenssens’s commission was flooded with new complaints.

On Wednesday, the Web site of Knack, a Belgian magazine, quoted a former member of the Adriaenssens commission, Karlijn Demasure, as saying that documents had been seized from his home, too.

He warned that some of the victims were scared that their stories would be made public.

“I myself am convinced that there is certainly more than 5,000 victims of sexual abuse by clergy in Belgium,” he was quoted as saying by Knack.


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