Cardinal Bertone, stop fooling us with the “Communist” trump card; the Belgian Police raid proves that you Vatican Princes are not ‘above the law’!

Steven Vanackere said Rome should not interfere with the work of the judiciary
UPDATES on Belgian Police versus Vatican - see below
The theocratic Vatican is using again the “Communist” trump card to harness support for the Catholic hierarchy who has systemically covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for decades – which includes the Catholic Bishops in Belgium who were raided (by surprise) by Belgian Police last June 24, 2010. See our coverage in The Opus Dei fabricates “The Age of Benedict XVI” in Rome... Belgian Police raid Archbishop’s Palace and Catholic Headquarters in Brussels
The Popes and the Vatican are the worst professional liars on the planet and they have been fooling humanity for over 2,000 years through their exclusive Eucharist sorcery and their Vatican paid reporters. But with Google and the Internet today, this Vatican privilege must - and will - come to an end in our generation. WE must end the theocracy of the Popes and the Vatican once and for all. If WE do not do it, then WHO will ???
The Popes and the Vatican will blame everybody else and everything else - except themselves - for their most heinous crimes against humanity, and today, for their crimes against children, the “Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportion” committed by the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
The Vatican blame game
After the explosion of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Ireland, Germany and across Europe, Cardinal Sodano blamed homosexuality for priest pedophilia when he was in Chile.
During the Holy Week, Benedict XVI blamed the “Cheap Gossip” (of the New York Times). On Holy Thursday, the Papal Preacher Fr. Cantalamessa used the Anti-Semitism trump card, see our article Anti-Semitism card & the Vatican defense circus for Benedict XVI the guilty despot of 1.2 billion Catholics the people in denial On Easter Sunday, Cardinal Sodano reiterated Benedict XVI’s “Cheap Gossip” card.
At the spectacular closing Mass of the Year For Priests at St. Peter’s Square, Benedict XVI used the “Devil” trump card to segue and put into sleep mode the priest pedophilia scandal before 15,000 white robed priests at the largest gathering of priests at the Vatican. See our coverage “Eve and Benedict XVI blame the Devil. Analysis of Pope’s homily in Year for Priests -sorcerers of Christ’s flesh and blood "
It is time for the French Revolution at the Vatican: Benedict XVI must resign, Cardinal Bernard Law et al must resign …Shut-down the Vatican
Now Cardinal Bertone is using the “Communist” trump card.
Perhaps the 1.1 billion Catholics have been brainwashed in Catechism classes to buy and believe whatever their infallible Pope pronounces from his Vatican trillion dollars Chair of St. Peter and that their souls will be saved if they contribute to the Peter’s Pence and Catholic Charities. But we are in the 21st century and these same Catholics have suffered, - and still are suffering - many wars to defend their rights and freedom in their own countries. Will they continue to support the Pope’s theocracy and lavish lifestyle at the Vatican while he does nothing to protect vulnerable children and women who are being raped inside churches and priests rectories? Will they continue to buy into the Vatican lies as subtly manifested in Bishops’ homilies and through the Vatican Bank paid Vatican Reporters who media-spin deceptions after deceptions? (See our related article John L. Allen Jr. deceptions call the Vatican as the 'little guy'
This time, we have seen and are seeing the actual crimes of Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Bernard law, Cardinal Roger Mahony (who covered-up the largest number of pedophile priests in the world), see our related article “Reasons why priest pedophilia is eternal: John Paul II the Great “Saint”, “The Conscience” of the ‘Age of Benedict XVI’, “Holy Father” Marcial Maciel" This time we are dealing with the most heinous crimes against Catholic children witnessed by our own eyes and by our own peers.
It is up to us to “judge” and “condemn forever” these criminal Popes, the criminal Vatican, these criminal Cardinals and Bishops for their crimes for having condoned and covered-up the “Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions’ committed by the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th century.
It is up to us to bring down the theocracy of the Papacy and the Vatican once and for all in this decade, in this generation. Let us not be lethargic. Let us not leave this heroic duty to the next generation.
This is no longer about mere “sins” that is forgiven in the “quickie Sacrament of Penance”. This is about the most heinous crimes that cry for human justice for eternity. See our article “Sins and crimes are not synonymous. Sinners and criminals are not one and the same
Priests were recruited to fight “Communism”
After World War II, priests were recruited “to fight Communism” and thousands answered that call believing that to fight communism was akin to fighting the Devil and that it was the true goal of the Catholic Church and thus of Catholics.
The Popes condemned Communism just as he now condemns Liberation Theology and silenced Jesuits like Jon Sobrino who wrote about Jesus the Liberator. See our article "Benedict XVI and Jon Sobrino "
Last June 6, 2010, as part of the closing festivities for the Year For Priests, the Vatican beatified a Polish priest, Jerzy Popieluszko, who was slain by Communists in 1984. Again, that is barely 25 years since his death but the Opus Dei is in a hurry to beatify and canonize more Polish saints together with Polish John Paul II.
John Paul II is also (always) being attributed for the downfall of the Communism in Poland – -- when really, it is the people of Poland who should take all the credits because it is they who marched daily and laid down their lives, in the streets of Poland ---- while John Paul II lived in the lap of luxury at the Vatican Palace as he counted and courted the trillion dollars of the Vatican Bank daily with his daily Mass, the sorcery of Christ’s flesh and Blood. See our article "Rome celebrations of Benedict XVI and 15,000 priests who are wizards worse than Harry Potter"
John Paul II canonized an Italian serial rapist in Communist China
Less we forget, John Paul II canonized an Italian missionary saint in China – who according to the entire village in China - was a serial rapist of their young virgin girls, see our coverage John Paul II canonised an Italian-missionary-rapist in China and fascist-Franco ally Escriba
John Paul II was a heartless pope who never defended or protected one child from one pedophile priests. That is why he must never be called a saint in our generation and in all generations to come. The Opus Dei have designed and produced that he be known as “John Paul II the Great”. See our article "MR. John Paul II & MRS. Josemaria Escriba speak from their graves: Sexual abuse not just a Catholic problem "
The Opus Dei was (and is) obsessed with only 7 things during John Paul II’s 27 years papacy: First, The canonization of their founder St? Josemaria Escriva, second, the writings of John Paul II the Great which will be required for all Catholic priests and Catholic schools to quote if they are to be in good standing as “All Things Catholic”=see John Allen (defender of the Vatican Trinity,i.e. John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Opus Dei) surreptitiously undermine SNAP's financial campaign, third, “The Conscience” of the ‘Age of Benedict XVI’, see The Opus Dei fabricates “The Age of Benedict XVI” in Rome..., fourth, the monopoly of the Vatican Trillion dollars Bank and, fifth, the absolute control of the Vatican, including the Vatican Radio, etc. which are to be staffed only by Opus Dei members and products of the Opus Dei Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, and sixth, the appointment of Cardinals and Bishops who will read the daily meditation book series “Conversations with God” by Opus Dei and, seventh, all Catholics, especially the Jesuits, must follow the Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION Agenda.. Opus Dei must rule in all spheres, secular and religious. That is why the theocracy of the Vatican must be reinforced through the Pope because the Opus Dei hides behind the mask of the papacy..
Cardinal Bertone, stop playing the old “Communist” trump card
So, Cardinal Bertone, be careful what you say about the “Communist” because it includes Communist China – whom John Paul II has deeply offended. You are using the “Communism” trump card to segue and make the world forget the crimes against humanity and children committed by the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Belgium. But you won’t get away so easy this time. You are running out of old lies and broken-record old deceptions. The same old Vatican tricks won’t work this time.
Cardinal Bertone, you preached at the year for Priests that what we need is “spiritual renewal”. We told you: Cardinal Bertone, what we need is not “spiritual renewal” but “a Catholic Registry of Pedophile Priests” to warn and protect children
Cardinal Bertone, you are the number 2 man at the Vatican after Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei are grooming you to be the next pope, but you are a pathetic pathological liar just like Benedict XVI, see Benedict XVI condemns abuse of children by priests 3 DECADES LATE…Cardinal Ratzinger Pope B16 is a pathological liar
Cardinal Bertone, with Benedict XVI, you are a lair of Fatima. See
As the G8 and the G20 are being held in Toronto today, Communist China is now a major player in the economic empire in the world. So Cardinal Bertone, be careful about what you say about “communism” because the Vatican Bank, like many other banks in the world maybe at the mercy of the China Bank soon.
Benedict XVI and the Vatican have planned that the Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION Agenda would proceed as planned and that the spectacle in Rome of 15,000 white robed priests would deafen and silence the investigations on the ‘Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions’ committed by the John Paul II pedophile Priests Army, they were mistaken. A week has barely gone by, and the pedophile investigation erupted in Belgium, with a raid on the Archbishop’s Palace and all Catholic headquarters. As protesters in the G8 and G20 are being arrested by the hundreds, the Belgian Police are also doing their job investigating the hidden crimes of the Catholic Princes of the Church.
The monarchy and theocracy of the Vatican Pope and Princes of the Church must end in this decade, at this dawn of the 21st century and the Third Millennium.
John Paul II is coined as the “Millennium Pope”. Well, sorry to say, but he is the heartless pope who was responsible for the most heinous crimes against children in the 2,000 years of Catholicism and Christianity.
Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America
Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leader
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - John Paul II, Benedict XVI & Opus Dei
See our related articles on Bertone:
Benedict XVI & Bertone, liars of Fatima?
Protest the Pope. Say NO to an official state visit to the UK
Vatican Reporter - the highest paid reporter, see
John Paul II Millstone: John Paul II canonised an Italian rapist missionary in China...
6 Sep 2007 ... John Paul II canonised an Italian-missionary-rapist in China and .... pointing out that the "canonization" tramples on the sovereignty of ... -
· John Paul II Millstone: September 2007
John Paul II canonised an Italian-missionary-rapist in China and .... the crimes committed by recently "canonized" foreign missionaries and their followers. ... -
Church Beatifies Pole Slain By Communists In 1984 - CBS News
6 Jun 2010 ... Church Beatifies Jerzy Popieluszko, Polish Priest Slain By Communists In 1984. ... 6 of 9; Fight Cancer With Food Video Fight Cancer With Food 7 of 9 ... of St. Stanislas Church, where he used to give riveting sermons. ... -
ZENIT - From Communism to Catholicism to Priest
4 Jun 2010 ... From Communism to Catholicism to Priest .... I said to his sister that stood next to me, let us pray together and thank God for his mercy. ... -
frontline: john paul II - the millennial pope: john paul II and ...
Lucjan Motyka, who was a Communist leader in Krakow, told us about an .... Ultimately, this story is revealing of the man, the priest, the emerging leader ... - - Film About Polish Martyr Priest Shown in Rome
4 Jun 2010 ... The film, "Popieluszko: Freedom Is Within Us," by film director Rafal ... The Communist authorities tried in various ways to threaten and frighten him. ... he said: "I fight sin, not its victims." The priest's heroic ... -
Murdered anti-Communist priest steps towards sainthood -
6 Jun 2010 ... A Polish priest killed by the Communist secret police in 1984 was due to be beatified ... Alleged Jamaican kingpin turned over to U.S. ... -
Church Beatifies Pole Slain By Communists In 1984 - CBS News
6 Jun 2010 ... Church Beatifies Jerzy Popieluszko, Polish Priest Slain By Communists In 1984. ... 6 of 9; Fight Cancer With Food Video Fight Cancer With Food 7 of 9 ... of St. Stanislas Church, where he used to give riveting sermons. ... -
Vatican says Belgium raids 'worse than Communist era'
BBC News
The Vatican has stepped up its criticism of raids by Belgian police investigating alleged child sex abuse, calling the detention of priests "serious and unbelievable".
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State, said "there are no precedents, not even under the old communist regimes".

Cardinal Bertone is the Vatican's number two
He claimed the priests were held for nine hours without eating or drinking.
Several buildings of the Belgium Church were searched on Thursday.
Bishops holding a meeting there were barred from leaving the premises for several hours.
"It was sequestration, a serious and unbelievable act," said Cardinal Bertone.
Police in Leuven seized nearly 500 files and a computer from the offices of a Church commission investigating allegations of sex abuse.
They also searched the Church's headquarters, the Brussels archdiocese in Mechelen, north of the Belgian capital.
Prosecutors have said the raids were over alleged "abuse of minors committed by a certain number of Church figures".
On Friday, the Vatican voiced "astonishment" at how the raids have been carried out, saying police had drilled holes in two archbishops' tombs
The Vatican said the raids had led to the "violation of confidentiality of precisely those victims for whom the raids were carried out".
The Vatican has summoned the Belgian ambassador to the Holy See to voice their anger at the incident.
The Catholic Church in Belgium has apologised for its silence on abuse cases in the past.
Belgium hits back at Vatican over paedophilia raids
Belgium and the Vatican are on a collision course after the Holy See accused the Belgian police of using communist tactics in their paedophilia raids on Catholic bishops last week. Belgium’s Foreign Minister told RNW that the Vatican should “react with balance” after its outspoken criticism of last week’s detention of senior clerics by the police.
Belgian police raided a bishop’s meeting in Mechelen near Brussels last Thursday amid fresh claims of child abuse by the Catholic Church. Investigators confiscated mobile phones, computers and also seized the computer files of a former cardinal.
The raids triggered an instant outcry from the Vatican, with the Vatican’s Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone calling the detentions “serious and unbelievable”. The Cardinal also accused investigators of holding the clerics for nine hours “without food and water” in methods “unprecedented even in communist regimes.”
The Belgian Foreign Minister, Steven Vanackere, underlined the Belgian judiciary’s independence from the Church and its freedom to investigate.
“It’s good to [keep in mind] very important principles of the state of law. [There are] very elementary principles of having a separation of powers and accepting that the judiciary has to do its work,” Mr Vanackere told RNW. “That’s crucial for every democratic state.”
“Deplorable methods”
The Brussels prosecutor’s office said the raid followed a string of accusations “denouncing abuse of minors committed by a certain number of Church figures.” Belgium’s Catholic Church has been in turmoil ever since April when a string of revelations of child abuse by its priests which saw 73-year old Roger Vangheluwe, its longest-serving bishop, resign after admitting to sexually abusing a boy for years.
On Sunday, the Pope wrote a message of support to Andre-Joseph Leonard, Archbishop of Mechelen and the head of the Belgian bishops’ conference, blasting the use of “deplorable methods”.
Mr Vanackere said he understood the concerns:
“It is perfectly normal that on diplomatic level explanations are asked…. but if it emerges that disproportionate measures were used, then it’s a problem for the Belgian judiciary not for the Vatican.”
Kris Peeters, the Minister-President of Flanders, the Dutch-speaking region where the Mechelen diocese is situated, added:
“I can understand that it’s a very emotional case, but we must be calm and wait for the explanations from the judges and investigating judges. It’s very important that should be a total investigation of the possible crimes committed and to… respect all the [parties] involved.”
His comments came just hours after the mass resignation of the Catholic Church-backed commission set up to probe hundreds of reported cases of abuses. The commission’s chief, Peter Andriaenssens, stood down owing, he said, to a breach of confidentiality.
“We are pulling out. The debate must now take place between victims, political leaders, the judiciary, the church and public opinion,” said Mr Andriaenssens.
Belgian Justice Minister Stefaan De Clerck said in a statement that urgent talks would be held to look into “the difficulties resulting from the treatment by the judicial system of facts brought to its knowledge by the Catholic Church commission.”
Investigations into church child abuse are also underway in the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland and North America following a domino-like sequence of paedophilia allegations this spring.
Belgium urges Vatican to stay out of child sex abuse investigations
By Honey Purden in Brussels
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Belgium has defended itself after Pope Benedict XVI blasted a series of raids by investigators and the detention of senior clerics in a child sex abuse investigation as "deplorable".
In a worsening of the argument provoked by last Thursday's raids, the country's Foreign Minister, Steven Vanackere, reminded Rome of the principle of separation of church and state yesterday, pointing out that the church should not try to impede the work of the judiciary. Speaking to The Independent, he urged the Vatican to "react with balance" after the extraordinary and rare intervention by the Pope on Sunday. A day earlier, a spokesman for the Holy See had accused Belgian
investigators of using "communist" tactics.
Mr Vanackere said he was confident that the issue could be prevented from spiralling into a diplomatic row with the Vatican but stressed that "it's good to [keep in mind] very important principles of the state of law. [There are] very elementary principles of having a separation of powers and accepting that the judiciary has to do its work".
Belgian police raided a bishop's meeting in the city of Mechelen last Thursday amid claims of child abuse. Investigators confiscated mobile phones, computers and also seized files from the home of Godfried Danneels, Belgium's former cardinal, as part of their search for documents
and correspondence between Catholic authorities and alleged victims.
The Brussels prosecutor's office said the raid followed a string of accusations "denouncing abuse of minors committed by a certain number of Church figures". Belgium's Catholic Church was thrown into turmoil in April by a string of revelations which saw Roger Vangheluwe, 73, its longest-serving bishop, resign after admitting to sexually abusing a boy for years.
The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, accused investigators of holding the clerics for nine hours "without food and water" in methods "unprecedented even in Communist regimes of old".
Mr Vanackere said he understood the concerns. "But if it emerges that disproportionate measures were used, then it's a problem for the Belgian judiciary not for the Vatican."
His comments came just hours after the mass resignation of the Catholic Church-backed Commission set up to probe hundreds of reported cases of abuses. Its chief, Peter Andriaenssens, stood down claiming a breach of confidentiality. "We are pulling out. The debate must now take place between victims, political leaders, the judiciary, the church and public opinion," said Mr Andriaenssens. Belgium's justice minister, Stefaan De Clerck, said urgent talks would be held.
The Pope needs to start practicing the oath: "I do solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God."
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