Navarro-Valls in New York Times interview: A psychiatrist with a penchant for media manipulation. Two open letters sent to Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls
We would like to show here is who is this Opus Dei celibate numerary (equivalent to a religious brother)who was able to mastermind and control the papacy of John Paul II for 27 years. He was the main doorkeeper of John Paul II's 27 years papacy and therefore he ultimately covered-up the Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions of hundreds of thousands of little boys and girls committed by the John Paul II Pedophiels Rapists-Priests Army.
Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 rapists-priests - John Paul II, Benedict XVI & Opus Dei --- The Vatican Trinity: Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of JP2 and therefore Opus Dei was most responsible for the cover-up and aiding and abetting the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army
We include two open letters that were also sent to Navarro-Valls. The first letter was dated July 20, 1995, in reference to the famous book allegedly written by H.H. John Paul II - The Threshold of Hope. The second letter was sent on September 6, 1996, to Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls and the Directors of all Official Opus Dei Centers Worldwide.
To understand why Benedict XVI is abusing his papal powers to hastily beatify and canonize John Paul II, it is foremost important to understand who are the Opus Dei and why they are now coming out in the forefront to reveal their mask, for the face of OPus Dei is John Paul II and their spirit Phantom is their founder St. Josemaria Escriva. Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls is the mouth of Opus Dei and John L. Allen Jr is the voice of Opus Dei as he spreads around the world (via his subliminal titles in his column All Things Catholic) all the WORLD DOMINATION Agenda of Opus Dei.
Read also "The Beatification of John-Paul II: Appeal for Clarity." sent to Benedict XVI by theologians in Europe in 2006 to oppose the hasty announcement that Benedict XVI has waived the 5 years long wait before the canonization process of John Paul II can be opened.
Please JOIN Signatories` protest against JP2 beatification
On March 31, 2002, three years before John Paul II died, Newsweek Press Release read that:
...the Pope has lost his ability to run the Vatican with a firm and decisive hand. "He is no longer the leader," says an archbishop at the Vatican. "He reads whatever they give him to read. Most of the time, he signs ... whatever they give him to sign."
Newsweek: Pope John Paul II -- Vatican Sources Say Pope No Longer 'The Leader' Because of Frail Condition; 'Most of the Time, He Signs ... Whatever They Give Him to Sign' Needs to Know All the Gory Details,' Says American Monsignor
Story Filed: Sunday, March 31, 2002 11:14 AM EST
NEW YORK, Mar 31, 2002 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- An official in the Vatican tells Newsweek that Pope John Paul II, who will turn 82 in May, has lost his ability to run the Vatican with a firm and decisive hand. "He is no longer the leader," says an archbishop at the Vatican. "He reads whatever they give him to read. Most of the time, he signs ... whatever they give him to sign."
"The Pope no longer has the energy to face up to the pressures of the different currents inside the Vatican," one official, a cardinal, tells Newsweek in the April 8 issue (on newsstands Monday, April 1). The Vatican did not respond to Newsweek's request for comment on the pope's condition, but some who deal with him say he is still able to fulfill his duties. "The Holy Father is quite alert," says Father Peter Gumpel, a Jesuit who works at the Vatican.
Just three sentences of the pope's annual pre-Easter message to priests around the world were dedicated to the current scandal of sexual abuse by clergy. He made another brief, nonspecific reference to the problem last week during his Holy Thursday homily. Vatican sources tell Newsweek that John Paul's handling of the issue has also been affected by his deteriorating physical condition, and by the reluctance of some aides to tell their ailing boss the whole truth. "The pope knows what's been happening in the U.S.," says an American monsignor who works at the Vatican. "But we don't think he needs to know all the gory details."
(Read Newsweek's news releases at Click "Pressroom.")
Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls according to himself in an interview he granted to the New York Times was already 19 years into his career as Vatican spokesperson for John Paul II. Here the M+G+R Foundation give their comments - which we agree with 100%.
Excertps from M+G+R Foundation
Europe is essentially ruled by the Center-Right, a commonly used euphemism for the Right-Right; the United States is already under the control of the Christian (Radical) Right, which is well penetrated by the Opus Dei; and they are confident that the next Pope will be totally at their disposal and not like poor John Paul II who, involuntarily, ended up being their hostage. A hostage under the watchful eyes of Joaquín Navarro-Valls, Psychiatrist and Spokesman for the Vatican.
Tragically for them, God will not allow that the fanatic hordes of Escrivá take control of the world - not just yet, anyway.
How is God going to do it? Well, that is none of our business. "Our Business" was to notify them, in the Name of God, and with ample advance notice, that they were going down the wrong path.
The Vatican Spokesman - According to Himself
The Truth or... much of it as he himself wishes to reveal
Following are key excerpts of an interview with Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls, Spokesman to H.H. John Paul II, conducted by John Tagliabue and published by the New York Times on June 29, 2002. The original article appeared at
The M+G+R Foundation has added commentaries where appropriate. In other cases we chose to leave the underlying message for the discernment of each reader.
Those who have eyes to see, will see; others, even if we explained Dr. Navarro-Valls statements extensively, will not.
June 29, 2002
A Doctor-Spokesman Attends to Papal Image
By John Tagliabue
Nineteen years into his career as papal spokesman, Dr. Navarro-Valls, now 65, still has occasional headaches with the centuries-old papal bureaucracy, the Roman Curia.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: No one has had that much continuous and intimate influence in the Papacy since time immemorial. Sign of the times?
"The Roman Curia is, historically, a very old organization," he said. "We are talking in terms of centuries. Its formal organization goes back to Sixtus V." Sixtus was a 16th-century pontiff known as the "iron pope," for creating the curial machinery essentially to crush the influence of cardinals and bishops.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: An example of Papal obstructionism. The Holy Spirit is indeed the infallible guide of the Church... the question is: Is anyone paying attention to such infallible guidance?
Dr. Navarro-Valls took up his work after a career as a physician and psychiatrist. Early on he saw religion, medicine and psychiatry as linked: religion would answer the questions that psychiatry could not. "I was fascinated at the time," he said of himself as a young man, "by those big questions, about life and death, and what makes man happy."
In his dealings with the press, Dr. Navarro-Valls acknowledges that he finds uses for his psychiatric training. But he struggles with the question of whether to follow the suggestion that the church should "use the media."
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: At least he is honest about his ability to manipulate the media using his professional psychiatric training.
A medical doctor and professor of psychiatry at the universities of Barcelona and Granada in his native Spain,... He worked as a journalist until 1983, and just as he had decided to return to medicine, he received an invitation to lunch at the Vatican.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: An invitation to lunch from the Vatican... just like that... or is it that he had the perfect qualifications needed by the Opus Dei Masters to manipulate the Papacy?
It seems that Pope John Paul, then five years into his papacy, had heard praise of him from a number of people - some belonging to the secretive Catholic men's society Opus Dei, which the doctor had joined in his early 20's. Several months later, the pope invited Dr. Navarro-Valls to overhaul the Vatican press service.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: As we were saying above...
"My hobby became my profession," he said, laughing. "And medicine became my hobby."
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: We fail to see the humor, and he will too at the end.
Dr. Navarro-Valls waved a copy of an unclassified cable relating to that conference - a message to the State Department from President Bill Clinton's ambassador to the Holy See, Raymond L. Flynn. It described the irritation of some delegates over perceived Vatican obstructionism and manipulation, but added that the "skill and tenacity" of the Vatican's diplomats "and the public affairs virtuosity of its chief spokesman - the Spaniard Joaquín Navarro-Valls, a close confidant of the pope - took many by surprise."
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Pride - satan's vehicle to the heart of men.
"I began from the question that arises in psychiatry of how the media in general, including advertising, influence human attitudes, both for better and for worse," he said.
In 1970, his first book, "Manipulation in Advertising," appeared; three others have followed, on the media, education and the family.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: His first book: Manipulation in Advertising. How appropriate...
Talking of those years, he described a "pilgrimage" to the London house where Freud had lived.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Pilgrimage to Sigmund Freud's house... the father of the sexual revolution and the amoral society in which we live today. How appropriate too...
He is still very much involved with Opus Dei, in which he now holds a senior rank that entails a commitment to celibacy.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Hell would freeze over before he would be allowed to quit Opus Dei even if he wanted to.
Early on, the pope, whom he sees daily, assured him of access to the Vatican bureaucracy. "He opened doors," Dr. Navarro-Valls said. "Without his approach to the media, without the mentality of the pope, change would have been impossible."
Getting information from the Vatican can still be laborious (though Dr. Navarro-Valls bridles at comparisons to Kremlin secretiveness).
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Bridles because it is true. Secretive and deceitful.
He is highly regarded by the Vatican press corps, whose members appreciate what he has achieved given the peculiarities imposed by Vatican constraints.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: The Stockholm syndrome... therefore, he plays them like a fiddle.
To this day, for example, the pope does not hold news conferences or grant interviews.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Which means, brothers and sisters, that it is only Dr. Joaquín Navarro Valls who speaks on behalf of H.H. John Paul II. Are you beginning to understand what has really been going on for years?
EPILOGUE - Original
As we have demonstrated in a number of articles, His Holiness John Paul II was not a free man. His "keeper" was an Opus Dei psychiatrist whose first book was entitled Manipulation in Advertising, and that was what he did with the Papacy for nineteen years.
Yes, H.H. John Paul II was indeed Mary's Pope and because Her Maternal guidance and protection he did much in spite of his keepers.
Why did God allowed this to happen? We refer the reader to The Trajectory of H.H. John Paul II - in there you should find the answer.
EPILOGUE - Added on May 2, 2005
On an extensive interview granted by Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls to his former employer the Spanish Daily ABC and published by said daily on Sunday, April 17th, 2005, pp 10-12 there are two statements which we find of interest enough to include them in this document.
When Dr. Navarro-Valls is asked: How was your journalistic inclination born?
Dr. Navarro-Valls answered: Although it may seem incredible, it was as a natural consequence of my psychiatric profession. I asked myself: "How do today's media - press, radio, television, advertising - shape habits and emotional states of anxiety?"
When Dr. Navarro-Valls is asked: You have maintained very close contact with John Paul II. What single personality trait of his do you believe defined his personality/character?
Dr. Navarro-Valls answered: His sense of humor.... I have been fortunate to be next to him day after day, in his apartment as well as traveling with him - including during his vacations. Many of the photographs that are in circulation where he can be seen in the country, in the latter part of his life, were taken by me.
It does not seem necessary for us to comment upon those remarks. May those who have Eyes will See what they must.
Copyright 2002-2010 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved.
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For Other Related Documents
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Index of Key Letters to the Vatican
Original New York Times Article
Cache - Original New York Times Article
The Manipulation of the Masses Utilizing the Future Supernatural Events
First was in the form of a letter dated July 20, 1995, and addressed to Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls, the Spokesman for The Vatican in reference to the famous book allegedly written by H.H. John Paul II - The Threshold of Hope.
Letter to: Dr. Joaquín Navarro Valls -
Director, Public Relations Office, The Holy See
From : miguel de Portugal
Date : July 20, 1995 (9 years ago!)
Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls, Director
Public Relations Office, The Holy See
Via della Conciliazione, 54
000193 Roma
Reference: Who authored "Crossing the Threshold of Hope"?
Subject: Too many are trying to "Save the World"... the wrong way.
Greetings and Good Will to you, Dr. Navarro-Valls:
It has been brought to the forefront the profoundly disturbing reality that the referenced book was not penned by the Karol Wojtyla who was elected Pope on October 16, 1978.
A document was issued on December 1994 by miguel de Portugal voicing some concerns regarding the referenced book and, indeed, the soul of the book does not harmonize with the fifteen years of the Papacy of John Paul II nor with Karol Wojtyla himself. The magnitude of the universal deceit that said book was meant to be, surpasses all limits.
Dr. Navarro-Valls, the Holy Scriptures, underscored by Heavenly revelations, indicate where the world is heading to, with more details of the routing than sometimes is comfortable for (us to know for) day to day living. The end result is known. No one is being called by God to try to stop it. That would be as satanic inspired as Peter trying to prevent Jesus from returning to Jerusalem to be crucified. (Matthew 16: 21-23)
This document is being addressed to you and your colleagues because of the demands of Divine Mercy. Mathematically speaking, what God, The Father, would like to accomplish through this contact is to minimize the suffering that the world is undergoing [which will continue to increase dramatically] for the given level of souls that need to be saved before the End of These Times.
No human has the power to save a soul; human power only lies in reducing the suffering that a soul has to endure before it responds and gets back on the path in which it has to be before the soul separates from the body.
In the Time frame it is said: "We must save souls". From the Eternal perspective what should be said is: "We must cooperate with the Will of God to fulfill in Time what has already been ordained from all Eternity, without breaking the Law of God in doing so."
However, keep in mind that: Judas Iscariot did not turn into a traitor to fulfill in Time the Eternal designs and, thus, his actions were endorsed by God. In this particular case, God used Judas Iscariot's sin to fulfill His Eternal designs. Judas still had to pay the price of his betrayal.
Dr. Navarro-Valls, for ease of communication, following is a list of the major groups whose objective is to "save the world".
Within the top echelons of the Roman Catholic Church
1. Those who embrace Marxist ideologies and their derivatives. Exemplified best by those who espouse the Theology of Liberation in its literal and not theologically purest form.
2. The super-Catholics who have programmed their inner self to: (a) pursue elitism = collective egocentrism; and (b) establish a power base built on money, while adjusting their appearance to radiate piety.
Outside the Roman Catholic Church
1. The non-God oriented Jews. Like the ones who crucified our Lord.
2. The super-Christians. The Bible-thumping, Fire and Brimstone preaching TelEvangelists. Their interest in the salvation of souls can only be measured in dollars and cents.
3. Zhirinovsky (notorious Russia ultra-Nationalist) and the like and their behind the scenes associates.
4. The New World Order / One World Religion group. Visibly (then) headed by Buttros-Buttros Gahli (and now led by Mikhail Gorbachev).
5. The non-God oriented Muslims. The violent extremists.
(None of the Super powers are listed because they are somehow controlled by one or more of the above groups.)
All of the above are working toward the same end: To save the world, in accordance to their understanding of the problem. All of them relying on the power of money, thus, as a logical mystical consequence, leaving the true Living God out of it. As you should know, Dr. Navarro-Valls, "No one can have two masters.... You cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6: 24)
The above listed groups have money directly as their master with power-derived-from-money as the logical corollary, except the adepts of Liberation Theology. The problem that they face is that in their "liberation struggle" they end up using the resources of some of the other six groups which will, in the end, control them too.
Yes, Dr. Navarro-Valls, the world is in a condition that needs saving. Philosophically and mathematically speaking, the world cannot continue to sink in moral, social and political depravation, at an exponential rate, without destroying itself. Precisely because of that, the true Living God has to directly intervene. Only He can pull humanity out of the spiritual black hole in which it has been trapped.
Any group that attempts using influence and manipulation based on the power acquired through material means is not serving the True Living God and will fail. This is not pius talk, Dr. Navarro-Valls. It IS.
Each group consider itself Illuminated. They claim to have The Truth. In His most Holy Name you are asked: What Illumination? What Truth? Did Jesus Christ or His Apostles used power based on the material to establish the Church? Did Matthew join the Apostles and kept earning large amounts of money so that he could be a good Apostle and help the poor? Did Jesus tell the rich young man: "Give us your money so that we can promote My message, join our group and then you will..."
Dr. Navarro-Valls, that is a well known and traveled road and it leads nowhere but hell. You and the key members of the other groups individually think that all of those carefully laid plans are going to yield the desired results. No. As you well know, those plans are disintegrating almost as fast as they are elaborated.
God has allowed all those false salvific plans to come this far by the action of His Passive Will. This is part of the Mystery of Iniquity. They have not come this far because He is in agreement nor because He has not taken note. (1Kings 22:13-23 gives some interesting insight.)
For example, Dr. Navarro-Valls:
(A). Since Marian Apparitions and Messages did not conform with the plans of certain groups, they have been reworked so that even the 'current ones' are consistent with their plans. They have been deprived of their Apocalyptic urgency or Apocalyptic accuracy.
Is that action going to prevent Heaven from carrying out Its designs? Opus Dei may control Marian Apparitions but they do not control God which will bring to fulfillment the warnings at Fatima and other later Apparitions. Then, what is Msgr. Luciano Guerra [Rector of the Sanctuary of Fatima] to do with the Berlin Wall shrine that he has built in Fatima in commemoration of the so called "Triumph" of the Immaculate Heart of Mary?
Because the work of other groups, Fatima may fall and, with it, all Marian Apparitions and the Pope's that have endorsed them. Where will all of this leave the plans of Opus Dei? Eternally it is known but, do you know?
(B). Now that some think that the "problem of John Paul II being the last Pope" has been cleverly resolved, what will happen when the Warning, the Miracle and the Sign prophesied originally through San Sebastián de Garabandal occur?
(Paragraph Edited out for publication to the general public)
Equivalent parallels can be made with the plans of the other six groups.
In this futile chess game the grand master causes all the pawns (the groups) to be moved according to his destructive plans, while the groups individually think that they are getting "ahead of the others". A truly pathetic sight.
God, in His Infinite Wisdom, just watches until the appointed time when He will say: Enough! and will bring this man-centered farce to a thundering conclusion.
You may logically ask now:
"If we are just living through Time to fulfill the Eternal designs, and Opus Dei (and the other groups) can only attempt to fulfill its (their) plans until they completely fail, why is this being explained to me and are we being exhorted to change our path?"
Because Divine Mercy demands it.
Every individual, standing before the Throne of Justice, will not be in a position to claim that he (the individual) was not given the needed opportunity to try to correct his path before final body-soul separation (+).
There are many good people that have been blinded and who may recognize their errors in time.
Theoretically, if it were possible to bring all seven groups to the Divine Light and harmoniously, submitting to the Will of God, reach a loving agreement and work all the differences out, Heaven could not be any happier. Unfortunately, the world has reached the point of no return which will lead us to the End of These Times.
Nonetheless, God is extending His invitation to as many as possible to come back to the True and Living God and minimize the suffering required to fulfill the destiny of each soul on earth until the End of These Times.
Using John Paul's admonishment to the world since the beginning of his Pontificate, "Do not be afraid.", the question for Dr. Navarro-Valls is: If you were not in the apparently controlling position in which you are now, could you honestly say: "I am not afraid". Think this over very carefully, it may change you whole perspective.
(+) For those who have not heard the Gospel, because of the failure of those who were charged with that responsibility, at the moment of body-soul separation time will be warped and they will be given the opportunity, in the briefest of instants (in the Time frame), to reevaluate their lives in the light of the instantaneously infused Gospel. Then, so to speak, they may pass from the antechamber to the Throne Room for Judgment.
Copies of this document were sent to:
Cardinal Carlo María Martini, Milan, ITALY
Cardinal Jean Marie Lustiger, Paris, FRANCE
Director, Order of Friars Minor Conference, U.S.A.
Director, Jesuit Conference, U.S.A.
Originally issued on July 20, 1995. Nazaré, Portugal
Links added in August 2002 and October 2004 (as new documents went on-line)
Copyright 1999 - 2004 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved.
A second letter was written and sent on September 6, 1996, to Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls and the Directors of all Official Opus Dei Centers Worldwide
miguel de Portugal
(Acts V:34-39)
September 6, 1996
-- PLEASE NOTE: This letter was written and sent almost FOURTEEN years ago.
(Addressed to Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls and the Directors of the official Opus Dei Center in each country where they are officially represented.)
May the Peace of God and the Consolation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be with you! I reach out to you, in the Name of God, pleading that you do not support the plans carefully laid out by, and currently being executed through, the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.(1)
(1) This Note and all Notes may be found at the end of the text.
Recognizing that even from within the organization few are aware of its true objectives, we will strive to assist you in understanding them.
Attachment I is a document (not published in The M+G+R Foundation´s Domain) which was addressed to the Church Hierarchy and which provides an overall background of the situation. Additional details follow.
Overall Plan - Through the workings of the Prelature, whom you locally represent, the False Christ (Scripturally known as the Anti Christ) will manifest himself after the world has been prepared to receive him. (2) Current Status - Many changes have been made in the plans because Heaven has intervened a number of times by publicly revealing the course of action being followed. However, the number of options are now very limited because the remaining time required for them to be woven into the fabric of the legitimate Heavenly Messages, is little.
The strategists of the Opus Dei have to resolve the following dilemma: Since John Paul II is acknowledged by many as the Last Pope, a post John Paul II Pope, who would have been part of the Prelature's overall plan, became an impossibility. It would have negated, among millions and millions of orthodox Roman Catholics, the messages and reality of many established Christic and Marian apparitions.
Solution - The key concept that John Paul II is the last Pope had to be circumvented by the Opus Dei strategists. Two options were entertained.
(A) Negate/invalidate the original confirmed messages from Heaven (thus deny that John Paul II is the last Pope); or (B) Metamorphose Karol Wojtyla - John Paul II into a combination of:
(a) A John Paul II who, from time to time, may not be the Karol Wojtyla originally elected; and
(b) A mind-altered Karol Wojtyla.
As you probably know, the first option was revealed worldwide at all levels thus essentially neutralizing its value for the time being. The second option: Are you consciously willing to be a part of that? Please, be attentive to the pleas of Heaven. Come back to the truth and to the light!
The Mercy of God Is Unfathomable. It is not too late yet.
The nuclear holocaust and the brutal persecution of Christians in general, and of Catholics in particular, will be allowed by God just as He allowed (not caused) in the past many similar events in order to bring back His (deaf and blind) Elect (Israel first, then, His Church.)
The severity of these events rest in the hands of man and, now, most specifically, in the actions of The Prelature of the Holy Cross and the Opus Dei. (3)
God will allow the level of pain to increase worldwide as high as necessary. Every soul which was marked from all eternity to share Heaven with God, will do so. No human or angel has any control over that. How painful it will be to return to the Path of the True God, however, depends on the degree of deafness and blindness of each individual.
We exhort you to reconsider. You have been misled: No man can serve God and mammon It is an Eternal impossibility. It does not matter how it is presented or justified. Tragically, upon such justified duality the Opus Dei foundation was laid
Mystically the Sixth Trumpet has been blown. Its physical manifestation will not delay. Please come back, there is still time.
miguel de Portugal
+ by the Grace of God
(1) Knowledge thereof: Through Divine Revelation. Confirmation: by the activities manifested in the physical plane.
(2) As the ethnic groups of ex-Yugoslavia were conditioned for the bloody attempt to create the Greater Serbia.
(3) This truth is governed by the Maxim: "Pain is the amplifier which God uses for the deaf to hear and the blind to see."
You may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.
Copyright 1999 - 2010 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved.
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