John Paul II clone Cardinal George must resign as President of Catholic Bishops Conference of the USA
SNAP takes on Conference of Catholic Bishops
By Andrew Cannarsa
Examiner Staff Writer 11/10/08

Surrounded by fellow clergy abuse survivors Francis Bacon, 74, far left, of Baltimore, Becky Ianni, 51, of Burke, Va., and Barbara Blaine, 52, of Chicago, speak to the media outside the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel on Monday where the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Conference will hold its annual gathering. Blaine, holding a photo of herself at age 12 when her abuse started, says "We believe predator bishops pose just as much risk to children as predator priests. They are unmonitored." — Kristine Buls/Examiner A group of clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters gathered in Baltimore Monday to call for the resignation of the head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, criticizing the conference’s investigations of child sex abuses charges.
“We’re concerned for the safety of children and vulnerable adults,” said Barbara Blaine, president and founder of Chicago-based support group Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP).
Blaine, who said she was 12 when she was abused by clergy member in Chicago, and supporters called for Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George to resign his leadership post with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Blaine spoke outside the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, where more than 200 bishops in the conference are holding their annual Fall General Assembly this week.
SNAP sent a letter to George on Sunday, saying it is “irresponsible and reckless” to allow accused pedophile priests and bishops to walk free with without supervision and/or treatment. There are at least 10 bishops across the country who have been accused of molesting children, but their whereabouts are unknown and there is little monitoring of their situation, according to SNAP.
Blaine said SNAP has not yet received a response from George.
“Cardinal George is clearly reckless in how he deals with these cases,” Blaine said. “They make lofty statements and have policies that look good on paper, but considering they don’t follow them, they’re meaningless. It shows a lack of commitment on their part.”
SNAP also called for a new national review board to be created to objectively look into child sex allegations against a bishop.
Currently, a local diocesan review board, appointed by a bishop, looks into the allegations.
“I just don’t believe that review boards, appointed by a bishop, are going to be that objective,” Blaine said.
Francis Bacon, 74, of Baltimore County, was 13 when he said he was abused by a clergy member in Baltimore. Bacon attended the rally and said he didn’t reveal his incident to his wife until they were married for 28 years.
“The sad part about it is we have this leadership that’s not doing anything about these problems, and they know it’s there,” Bacon said. “They’re not being accountable for their actions.”
SNAP Group calls for Cardinal George to resign
November 9, 2008 at 5:17 PM
On the eve of the annual meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) today called for Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George to resign as the organization’s president.
“You continue to put your own reputation and comfort above the safety and well-being of your flock,” SNAP told George in a letter that the group said it faxed and e-mailed to the archdiocese of Chicago today.
A spokesman for George said the archdiocese had not received the letter and so could not comment.
George is scheduled to address the conference during meetings that begin on Monday in Baltimore.
SNAP was scheduled to hold a candlelight vigil this evening outside the hotel where the bishops are gathering, drawing attention to several abuse cases. The vigil was scheduled to begin about 8:15 p.m. Chicago time.
“The top Catholic official in America continues to set a reckless and deceitful example for his brother bishops,” said David Clohessy, SNAP’s national director.
The conference plans to elect a secretary and chairs of the committees on national collections, cultural diversity, doctrine, pro-life activities and communications.
Other action items include votes on the revised Grail Psalter, an English translation of the psalms, for use in the United States; the translation of the Proper of the Seasons; and the Order for the Blessing of a Child in the Womb.
In its letter, SNAP outlined several cases of abuse that the group alleges George either ignored or minimized.
– Jeff Long, Chicago Breaking News Center
4 Responses to “SNAP calls for Cardinal George to resign”
November 10, 2008 at 11:17 am
Letter to the Editor
Chicago Sun-Times
Published August 15, 2008,CST-EDT-vox15.article
From Boston to Los Angeles, billions of dollars have been spent in attempts to avoid public revelation of files and records of known sexual predators and depositions of the some of the highest U.S. Catholic Church leaders.
Now we are able to read the deposition of Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George, who remains the archbishop of Chicago as well as the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and it is damning beyond belief.
Our church leaders protected and enabled known rapists and child molesters for much of their clerical careers while giving no thought to the trail of broken bodies and souls these sociopaths left in their wake.
Can one believe the excuses and rationalizations that would indicate an incompetence beyond belief or is George yet another archetypal figure representing a clerical system corrupted beyond imagination?
Should anyone accept George’s words when he says, “I apologize again today to the survivors and their families and to the whole Catholic community?”
No, not until he submits his resignation to Pope Benedict XVI. Until then those words remain hollow.
He is just another enabler.
Sister Maureen Paul Turlish
Victims’ advocate
New Castle, Delaware
Michael Skiendzielewski Says:
November 10, 2008 at 1:49 pm
Do you mean to tell all American Catholics that the first-class, one-way ticket to Vatican City hasn’t been purchased as yet? Tell the good Cardinal to check the Human Resources section on the Vatican website to see what is available (given his unique background, experience, and management style).
If not, Cardinal (By)George should reach out to Cardinal Law(less) and ask him to keep an eye on any Vatican position that would appropriate for him as he begins his retirement years. He can roll over his the US dollars in any IRA(s) into Italian lira (or euros) when he gets there.
Thomas Says:
November 10, 2008 at 3:46 pm
Put all trust in God. There appears to be no one in this septic pool know as hierarchy who is worthy of trust. They have all had identical grooming and have followed the same practices of corruption. Over the weekend I did view the video Vows of Silence and it does jerk at the fabric of faith. We need an authentic Christian hero to bring us through these times and we need the abuse and corruption to stop…we can clearly see that these men are not of God! Their God became money and now they are Godless!
Augusta Wynn Says:
November 11, 2008 at 1:08 am
Does anyone know which bishop wrote the Order for the Blessing of the Child in the womb? I wonder if they’ll be sprinkling some of Pope Pius IX”s cologne around while they’re busy with the blessing.
Are there actually any women anywhere who would let these men near their unborn or already born children?
John Paul II became pope in 1978 and this priest was a member of his John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Parents say clergy sex abuse drove son to suicide
1150Am WDEL News
By Peter Mac Arthur
The latest lawsuit facing the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington comes from parents who say a priest sexually abused their son, prompting him to commit suicide.
William and Othell Heaney claim Reverand Edward Dudzinski began abusing 10 year old Kevin Heaney in 1978 when the victim was in Dudzinski's religion class at St Mary Magdalen elementary. They say the abuse lasted for three years and changed his personality. The Heaney's say their son got into drugs and tried to commit suicide numerous times before finally shooting himself in 1987 and dying two days later.
Dudzinski moved to Virginia in 1985. He became a counselor until his license was suspended in 2003 following reports he was sleeping in the same bed with kids he was counselling.
This article was found at:
John Paul II squandered his moral authority by covering-up his John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army whose victims are by the tens of thousands in many countries, 12,000 in America alone and still counting, in Latin America it is a PLAGUE.
* * *
From the Baltimore Examiner, 11.11.2008.
Catholic Church still squandering its moral authority
By Maureen Paul Turlish
Examiner Columnist 11/11/08
Can the Vatican’s latest order for seminaries to do a more thorough job preventing homosexuals from entering the priesthood be seen as anything other than more smoke and mirrors? Again the Holy See appears intent on a search and destroy mission to weed out candidates for the priesthood when what it should be doing is weeding out the sexually abusive and perverted clergymen who violate the innocence of thousands of children, not to mention young women, men and vulnerable adults.
Skim some of the pages of the few grand jury reports and the other investigations made public on these horrific crimes.
If the Holy See wanted to prevent many of these incidents it could have done so simply by following its own canon law and the criminal and civil laws of most countries. It could have prevented such tragedies by following the mandates of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Child to which it has not submitted even one of the periodic compliance reports as required since becoming a signatory to that declaration.
What the Vatican needs to do is stop kicking members of the hierarchy who aided and abetted predator priests upstairs as was the case with Boston’s Bernard Law, who now holds a plum position as the archpriest of the Patriarchal Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome. What the Vatican needs to do is to defrock, laicize or excommunicate some of the living and credibly accused sexual predators among the 19 of their fellow bishops in the United States alone.
This would give some substance to Pope Benedict XVI’s words, “to do everything possible so that this does not happen again.”
Yes, the institutional Roman Catholic Church has made mistakes in accepting deviant and sexually maladjusted individuals, no matter their orientation. But to scapegoat homosexuals is blatantly homophobic and unconscionable and only serves to further undermine the institutional church’s credibility.
Read some of the current stories from newspapers across the country and around the world, including the most recent one close to home.
The Rev. Fernando Cristancho, who formerly served in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, is being tried in Maryland for abusing two of his triplets. He had been removed from ministry, but not according to the Archdiocese of Baltimore, for having a woman bear his children through in vitro fertilization in his native Colombia. Even earlier, Cristancho was credibly accused of the sexual abuse of another woman leading to his initial removal from ministry in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
But for the current lawsuit and news stories on Cristancho, all this would probably have been written off as totally bizarre and highly improbable. The continuing sexual abuse problems plaguing the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, however, made that impossible.
This is not a chapter gleaned from some 21st century edition of the TV miniseries, “The Thorn Birds,” or even episodes from Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales.”
Quite to the contrary, cases like Cristancho’s are tragic and outrageous examples of maladjusted individuals who believed their positions as spiritual leaders somehow gave them license to indulge their perversions.
They are examples of a church hierarchy’s failure to adequately screen potential seminarians, both heterosexual and homosexual, using thorough psychological and spiritual evaluative criteria in seminaries around the world.
One wonders if the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has any processes in place to vet priests coming to the United States to serve.
Since the bishops have announced that their discussion on abortion has been removed from their November meetings’ agenda, perhaps it would it be possible to discuss vetting guidelines for such priests instead?
One could also say that such examples are telling of women’s place in the patriarchal scheme of things, not to mention the revelatory reports on the sexual abuse of nuns by clergy around the world made public in the 1990s.
Lay experts contradict what church spokesmen Monsignor Jean-Louis Brugues said publicly about sexual offenders. With the data to support their conclusions, experts like Richard Sipe, himself a former Benedictine monk, conclude that while homosexuals are no more likely than heterosexuals to molest children, the molestation and rape of post-pubescent girls and vulnerable adult women is not committed by homosexual men.
To once again attempt to scapegoat those with a homosexual orientation when the abuse, molestation, rape or sodomy of a child, young girl or boy, vulnerable woman or man is a crime of power, position and control, is unworthy of any religious institution or denomination.
As Daniel Maguire, professor of theology at Marquette University said in a 1994 Cairo speech, “I believe that the Vatican has squandered its moral authority on issues about which it has no privileged expertise.”
Sister Turlish is a victims’ advocate, an educator and a member of the Delaware nonsectarian coalition Child Victims Voice. She is a member of the National Representative Council of Voice of the Faithful and on the Board of Directors of the Delaware Association of Children of Alcoholics.
3 Responses to “Catholic Church still squandering its moral authority”
Michael McManus Says:
November 14, 2008 at 5:04 am
No world leader hsa wanted to rock the boat were the church is concerned, And no leader slamed the Pope for his dishonest sorry to victims in the USA and Australia, All world leaders are moral cowards towords victims, Same as the laity who refuse to attack the hierarchy, and make it accountable
Thomas Says:
November 14, 2008 at 3:27 pm
A house divided will not stand long. Greed and arrogance should never be the cause to orphan a Church and this is what is happening. When hierarchy is not greedy for dollars, they are greedy for control and they slam whatever and whomever has contrary opinions. God has no need for money or power. He has no need for a Church that enslaves when He Himself created all to be to be free. God has no need for protection from anything or anyone. He is capable of more than we give Him credit for.
The Christian Church knows His request and requirements…and they were given freely and as gifts, not as conditional barbs. How silly, the Church is persecuting itself and when its operations are secretive and malicious, the laity sees this as undesirable. To use the sacraments as a tool of terror and control breeches everything good and holy about the Catholic Church. They become tools of ridicule and genocide to faith. When the laity loses it’s faith in the institutional church, does one really believe that there will be need for hierarchy or even Rome? Amoral authority is not the authority that Roman Catholics wish to be guiding them. No wonder the desert fathers and the monastics fled from the world,
they wanted escape and peacefulness in order to love God in the relationship that they chose, and not the church!
Michael Skiendzielewski Says:
November 14, 2008 at 4:40 pm
I believe there was a misprint in your original essay/article:
Your heading most certainly should have read: “AMORAL AUTHORITY”.
And, if this is what you meant, our US Catholic Church leaders are sure not “squandering it.” They are using their amoral authority for all it is worth.
Chuck Norris: Obama, now that you work for me ...
By Chuck Norris
Posted: November 10, 2008
1:00 am Eastern
© 2008
Dear President-elect Obama:
First, congratulations on your victory. The historical magnitude of your presidential win is nothing short of stupendous and a colossal fulfillment of the American dream (an achievement embedded long ago in the equality clauses of the Declaration of Independence). Your life has served and will serve as an example to countless millions, and I pray that you will live up to that honorable position and responsibility.
Now that Democrats have a virtual monopoly over our land, with control of the White House, both houses of Congress, a majority of gubernatorial positions, state legislatures, the courts, the news media, the unions and the entertainment and educational fields, it would be relatively easy for you to rule as king, casting liberal edicts in any direction. But now will come your biggest test: Will you be able to lead the other half of the country that doesn't agree with your vision, views and policies?
It's no big surprise that I don't see politically eye-to-eye with you. Actually, I stand in stark opposition to most of your politics. Still, even in our differences, I realize that we must learn to work together if we are to see our country get back on track. After Election Day, I asked myself, despite the outcome, how can I work for our new president to help better America? Then the thought occurred to me, the first question that should be answered is: How will you work for me? After all, it is "We, the People" of the Constitution for whom you are employed, correct?
So I outlined a few ways you might begin to gain the respect of those who oppose you and show that your campaign pledges to bridge the divides were not empty promises to get you into office. And these requests I make are based upon the inaugural oath you will make on Jan. 20, "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." No doubt these won't be my only suggestions through the years, but they serve as a good beginning:
1. Use and cite the Constitution. If that constitutional oath ("preserve, protect and defend") is the central duty of your job description, then I would assume we will be hearing often from you about exactly how you are doing just that. There is no replacement for strict adherence, application and defense of the Constitution. And it's high time that presidents quit tritely reciting the presidential oath only to abandon its tenets when they enter the Oval Office. You should be publicly quoting from the Constitution as often as a preacher quotes the Bible to his congregation – at least weekly. If you take this oath and challenge seriously, you will limit the powers of federal government, reduce taxes (for everyone), encourage the freedom of religion and expression (even in the public square) and stand up for such things as our right to bear arms. The American public and the government have lost their grip on the content and role of the Constitution, and, if you choose, you can help to re-educate and model its usage for them.
2. Protect American life. Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1809, "The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government." Those are powerful and enlightening words – "first and only legitimate object of good government." Of course, such a role was created and secured in the very fabric of our nation – in the Declaration of Independence. The commitment to protect life should serve as a basis to all you do, even as a foundation for your national defense strategy or to protect human life from the womb to the grave. I'm sure the first of your secret briefings this last week on our global security threats have opened your eyes some to the extensive onslaught of our enemies. Don't allow your pride, partisanship, personal bias or political abilities to ever jeopardize the safety of Americans lives. As commander in chief, you are called to preserve American life. Quite frankly, that is why I'm surprised that a man like you, who professes to fight for minorities, would not recognize the clear value of a human life in the womb. Federal law should not decree the sacrifice of one human life for the preference of another. Both lives should be protected. Otherwise what do Jefferson's 1809 words mean? As president, you are called to protect (not destroy) human life – it is the "first and only legitimate object of good government.
3. Learn from the mistakes of your Democratic predecessors. I'm referring specifically to presidents Carter and Clinton. Despite how many trumpet their accomplishments today, they learned big lessons at our expense about international diplomacy and economic recovery. Carter's diplomatic naïveté, combined with his overly altruistic belief that America's enemies can be won by a smile and handshake, ultimately gave rise to Ahmadinejad's Iranian regime. Furthermore, Carter's handling of our economic affairs also led to the highest interest, inflation and unemployment rates in history. You were only a young man, I realize, but I respectfully wonder if you know of those lessons, or might be doomed to repeat them? You can increase the taxes of individuals who make more than $200,000. You can impose the same on companies and corporations. But don't believe for a minute that they aren't even now making plans and moving their monies into overseas accounts. Any businessman knows that such tax increases will trickle down to employees, shareholders, consumers or further tempt them to take their productivity abroad where costs are lower. And what will be the effect on our economy? Isn't it obvious? And don't forget this: Bush is only partially to blame for our economic woes. Remember, it was the Clinton administration in 1999 that was the primary contributor to our Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae subprime fiasco (and subsequent Wall Street bailout need), by extending billions of mortgage loans to those who wouldn't or couldn't ever pay them back. Though gloating over his end-term budget surplus, Clinton paved the path through his government backing of millions of toxic mortgages to low income households – all of which would turn into gargantuan balloon payments years down the road that would bankrupt corporations and lead to our economic recession.
4. Lead more from the center. It's been pointed out by countless pundits. Your track record is clear. You have one of the most liberal records in the Senate. You've had the liberty of voting and fighting for an agenda "from the left," as you've tried to persuade state and congressional constituents to do the same. But if you continue to lead our country down a more liberal road, you will follow the peril of Clinton as well. He stepped into office and initially tried to lift the ban on gays in the military and extend abortion rights, only to prompt the creation of a more-balanced and strong Republican Congress in the 1990s. Don't underestimate the resurrecting power of the conservative voice. You observed in Tuesday's election how three states across this union voted to protect marriage in their constitutions (the 28th, 29th and 30th states to do so – California, Arizona and Florida). We will be watching how you lead Pelosi and Reid. We will be observing those you select as candidates for Supreme Court justices. The election is over. No more promises. No more words. You might work well in a team, but this time you don't have congressional members to hide behind. You're on your own – leading the pack – and the whole country is watching. Especially me. So make sure you lead more from the center.
There is one thing I will be specifically doing for you, as you carry the weight to lead our nation. I will be praying for you. As the scripture says, "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." You have my word – I'll be praying.
One of your 300 million bosses,
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris is the star of more than 20 films and the long-running TV series "Walker, Texas Ranger." His brand new book is entitled "Black Belt Patriotism." Learn more about his life and ministry at his official website,
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