9/11 USA -- Pope John Paul II guilty of 26 years of JPIIPedophile Priests Army

St. Michael the Archangel stand over Pope John Paul II guilty of 26 years of the most heinous crime agaisnt children in the history of Christianity.
In 2006 when we first started our weblogs, we immediately posted the victims of John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army doubling that of 9⁄11 .... and then we slowly introduced Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei as cohorts-in-crime- in the most heinous crime of priest pedophilia of the 20th century. St. Michael the Archangel and Our Lady of Guadalupe requests us to persevere in our mission of truth -- to expose that John Paul II does not deserve to be called a "saint" by American children in this generation and in all generations to come. John Paul II did NOTHING to free them from priest pedophilia for the 26 years when he was pope and that is because his General of the Third Reich Cardinal Ratzinger and his media-army the Opus Dei controlled him and covered-up the priest pedophilia in order to portray a “pure and great papacy”.
This table of John Paul II with Osama ben Laden will go down in history and the Opus Dei can never erased this especially from American history no matter how much they employ their professional journalist-liars par excellence headed by John Allen of the ncr cafe.
9⁄11 is here again and it is time to remember the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army that are double those of the 9⁄11 victims.
Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 5,448 priests - John Paul II + Benedict XVI + Opus Dei (the new Roman Catholic Trinity! the Vatican Trinity)
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