John Paul II Millstone

St. Michael the Archangel tied an 8ftX3ft millstone to the neck of John Paul II in North America at the July 2002 WYD World Youth Day - because JP2 refused to stop his papal army,JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophiles Priests Army. 9/11 WTC attacks 3,000 victims-by 19 Muslims-led by Osama bin Laden, USA Pedophile Priests 15,736 victims victims-by 6,000 rapists-priests- led by John Paul II...JP2 Army was JP2’s Achilles Heel so St. Michael threw him into the depths of Hell- see Paris Arrow's vision

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Danish cartoonist (of Mohammed) drew John Paul II holding up robes of altar boys to expose their BUTTS to SATIATE his bestial PAPAL JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army who sodomized hundreds of thousands of little boys - with inscription - I am against homosexuality but for pedophilia. Read the vision of Paris Arrow on how Saint Michael the Archangel tied the giant millstone on John Paul II's neck at his last WYD in 2002 -- in the John Paul II Millstone post August 1, 2006. John Paul II's neck broke and Saint Michael threw him into a raging sea of fire... The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for (enough) good men - and good women - to do (and say) nothing. Youths of today, do not be deceived by the pathological lies of the Pope and the Vatican. The Vatican own the Swiss Banks where all moneys from corrupt regimes are hidden and poor peoples and poor countries are therefore perpetually oppressed....ABOLISH ALL VATICAN CONCORDATS THAT USURP BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FROM COUNTRIES that are already BURIED IN DEBTS!!! EXTERMINATE VATICAN MAMMON BEAST -- read our NEW BLOG: POPE FRANCIS the CON-Christ. Pretender &Impostor of Jesus

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

John Paul II oppressed Ignacio Ellacuria & caused his martyrdom

John Paul II and the Vatican supplied the El Salvadorian Army with the whereabouts and activities of religious people which made it easy for them to kidnap or kill these religious servants of the poor. The Jesuit President of the University of Central America was one of the victims of John Paul II's oppressive papacy and he was massacred by the army together with 5 other Jesuit professors and two female colleagues. This year on November 16, 2007 marks their 19th martyrdom anniversary. - Read excerpts, sample pages, table of contents,etc.

John Paul II travelled around the world but he used the poor people as his props (like an actor and politician) and hardly knew their true conditions. He kissed babies left and right but he ignored the thousands of little boys (and little girls) - 12,000 in America alone -- sodomized by his papal-priests-pedophiles. In El Salvador, he suppressed the poor Crucified Peoples and the Jesuits Martyrs who were working for social justice - whose anniversary is November 16.

Below is an excerpt from Jon Sobrino's book that speaks of John Paul II's un-realistic papal attitudes and ignorant perception towards the poor. These are the paragraphs that made Benedict XVI issued the "Notification" and the Opus Dei Bishop of El Salvador "silence" Sobrino, meaning he can no longer teach or preach and help the poor to whom he has given all his life in service.

Witnesses to the Kingdom: The Martyrs of El Salvador and the Crucified Peoples

Page 141. Important ecclesial events, like a papal visit, are often organized in such a way that they too produce a feeling of unreality. In the Pope’s 1996 visit to El Salvador, it is true that most of the people who attended were poor. But all one could see of their reality was their religious enthusiasm, more or less effectively organized. One didn’t see their poverty, their fears, their discouragement and helplessness, not even their true faith and hope; one didn’t see their reality. As the event was organized, the poor served more as a backdrop than as the reality of the country; in the foreground were minorities that do not represent the reality: the government, legislators and politicians, the rich and powerful, and the Church beside them. The Pope’s visit neither reflected reality nor, to judge from the consequences, had any important effect on it.

On page 140. This applies to the allocutions and homilies of the Pope to the Congregation when he was an "adult-pope’. And that is still a serious problem: humanistas without sarx, factuality without reality (in the world of the poor). To give a few examples: one often gets a feeling of unreality from homilies, documents and messages that do not make central - although they may mention it - the poverty of reality, the injustice and corruption that cause it, and the cover-up that accompanies it. The feeling of unreality comes especially from the lack of commitment to get involved in the conflict, to struggle against injustice and to suffer the consequences. Words, words, words, as J. Comblin calls such messages in the article mentioned above. At another level, one gets the same feeling of unreality from a seminary formation that protects the seminarian from reality; or from the spiritualities and pastoral practices promoted or tolerated by movements that lead the human being into an a-historical transcendence with infantilizing consequences. (From Martyrs of El Salvador. By Jon Sobrino)

Links: Benedict XVI and Jon Sobrino

Benedict XVI-God's Rottweiler voracious appetite for the Jesuits

New Pope Benedict XVI's first bite: the Jesuits

The El Salvador Martyrs November 16, 1989

Remembering and Celebrating - Renewing a Commitment to Justice The El Salvador assassination of Six Jesuits, their housekeeper and her daughter, continues to remind us of our mission and offers us inspiration and vision.
Click on photos to see full frame.

As it happened, in 1989:

Photo from video, "A Question of Conscience," ©1990, Icarus/Tamouz Media, Inc.

SAN SALVADOR, NOV 16, 1989 Six prominent Jesuit priests, including the rector and vice rector of El Salvador's most prestigious university, were killed today along with two other persons at the house were they slept in the capital. Click to read full story.

By Leo J. O'Donovan, S.J. GEORGETOWN, NOV 19, 1989
Before the end of darkness on the morning of Nov. 16, with unspeakable and barbaric cruelty, armed men burst into the Jesuit residence at the University of Central America in San Salvador and shot six Jesuit priests to death. At the same time, the community's cook and her daughter were murdered in their bed. According to reliable reports, several of the priests, my brothers, had their brains torn from their heads. Click to read full story.


SAN SALVADOR, NOV 19, 1989 The remains of six Jesuit priests killed here last week were placed today in a chapel crypt underneath a portrait of slain archbishop Oscar Armulfo Romero amid mounting evidence of a campaign of intimidation against liberal members of the clergy. Click to read full story.

Jesuit Reflections Click here to read the reflections of members of the Jesuit community on the meaning of this anniversary for them.

Company Magazine Click here for special features: "El Salvador: Ten Years Later" November, 1999

Leo O'Donovan, S.J. President of Georgetown University "While we still grieve their loss, the 10th anniversary of the Jesuit assassinations offers an important opportunity to reflect on the enduring legacy of the martyrs." December 16, 1999 The Washington Post. click here.

Higher Standards for Higher Education: The Christian University and Solidarity Dean Brackley, S.J. Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" San Salvador A talk given at Creighton University on October 4, 1999 Click to read the full text.


Latest 2006 book on Ellacuria

Love That Produces Hope: The Thought Of Ignacio Ellacuria (Paperback)
by Kevin F. Burke (Editor), Robert Lassalle-Klein (Editor) "The figure of Ignacio Ellacuria, in its tremendous wealth, can be examined from a variety of perspectives..."

Book Description

Father Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J., president of the University of Central America, leading Latin American philosopher, and liberation theologian, was assassinated with five Jesuit companions and two women on November 16, 1989. Love That Produces Hope brings together leading authorities on key aspects of Ellacuría’s thought. The book introduces readers to the groundbreaking life and thought of Ignacio Ellacuría. His biography and writings embody late twentieth-century transformations and tensions that reshaped the life of the Catholic Church among the "crucified peoples" of Central America.

Love That Produces Hope evaluates the significance of Ellacuría’s work, particularly his impact on theology, philosophy, and education. Ellacuría found hope in his faith that God’s grace sustains the tenacious struggle of millions of men, women, and children to nurture those they love in the face of poverty and an uncertain future.


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